CURRICULUM VITAE NAME: L. L. Cavalli-Sforza TITLE: Professor of Genetics BIRTHDATE: January 25, 1922 PLACE OF BIRTH: Genoa, Italy NATIONALITY: Italian SEX: Male Married, four children SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: ACADEMIC HISTORY: University of Pavia, Italy M.D., 1944 . ¥ Cambridge University, U.K. M.A., 1950 Universities of Pavia and Parma, Italy Libera Docenza, 1952 (Microbiolog;) 1952 (Genetics) 1960 (Statistics) EMPLOYMENT RECORD: 1943-44 Intern of Genetics Department, University of Pavia (then located at Istituto Italiano di Idrobilogia, Verbania, Italy) 1944-45 Intern and resident at Verbania Hospital, Italy 1945-47 Assistant in research, Istituto, Sieroterapico Milanese, Milan 1948 Scholarship in genetic statistics, John Innes Horticulcural Institution, London (U.K.) 1948-50 Research Fellow and Assistant in Research, Genetics De-~ partment, Cambridge University (U.K.) 1950-57 Director of Research in Microbiology, Istituto Siero- terapico Milanese (Milan, Italy) 1951-54 Lecturer in Genetics and in Statistics, Science Faculty (part-time), University of Parma and University of Pavia, Italy 1958-62 Professor of Genetics, University of Parma, Italy 1962-70 Professor of Genetics, and Director of Istituto di Genetica, University of Pavia (Italy) 1970- Professor of Genetics, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Present California P-17b Curriculum Vitae - 2 L. L. Cavalli-Sforza Earlier Sojourns in the United States: 1954 Rockefeller Fellow (six months) at Genetics Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. 1958 Research Associate at University of Wisconsin 1960 Visiting Professor at Genetics Department, Stanford University (three months) 1962 Visiting Professor at Genetics Department and Statistics Department, Stanford University (one month) 1964-65 Visiting Professor at Department of Biology, Harvard ' University (three months) 1968-69 Visiting Professor at Genetics Department, Stanford University (one year) Expeditions to Africa in the Fall-Winter periods of 1965-66, 1966-67, 1967- 68, 1968-69, 1969-70, 1970-71, conducting research in the following countries: Central African Republic, Cameroon, Zaire and Ethiopia ACADEMIC HONORS: President, Biometric Society, 1967-68 Vice President, International Congress of Genetics, Tokyo, 1968 Foreign Honorary Member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1969 Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Huxley Award in Anthropology, 1972 MILITARY SERVICE: Medical Officer in the Italian Army, 1947-48 MAJOR RESEARCH INTERESTS: Bacterial genetics; presently, human population genetics and allied fields. RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Apart from early work in the fields of immunology and Drosophila popu- lation genetics, research activity during the first fifteen years was concen- trated mostly on bacterial genetics. Among results of the analysis of sex and recombination in E. coli strains: the finding of the first coli mutant with a high recombination frequency (Hfr), of Hfr linkage with chromosome markers, and of the infective transmission of mating capacity (F episomes). Among results on the analysis of drug resistance in bacteria: a quantitative P-177 Curriculum Vitae - 3 L. L. Cavalli-Sforza technique for sib selection, demonstrating the spontaneous origin of drug resistant mutants; the analysis by crossing of polygenic inheritance for chlor- amphenicol resistance; streptomycin resistance as a genetic modifier. Some of this work was in collaboration with the Lederbergs. From 1954, activity was concentrated increasingly on human population genetics -- the analysis of a population in the Parma Valley showed that microgeographic variation can largely be explained by drift alone. This required the development of special techniques, including the computer simu- lation of human populations, methods for the reconstruction of differentiation of racial groups, and the characterization of selective and random causes of variation. Several archives, from consanguinity records to parish books, have been the subject of study to extract genetic.information. A full description of the history of consanguinity in Italy has resulted. Demographic analysis of parich book records by computer is still in progress. An analysis, during six winters, of an African Pygmy population with the help of a large team of collaborators allowed to accumulate information cn the population structure of hunters-gatherers, to detect new genetic types, to account for the physiology of low stature in Pygmies and other problems of this population. Most recent work has centered on the impact of technological developments and cultural change, essentially the domestication of plants aad animals, on human biological evolution. AUTHOR OF BOOKS: "The Genetics of Human Populations" in collaboration with W. Bodmer (now Professor of Genetics at Oxford, U.K.), and a short handbook of biostatistics. P-l7eé 100, 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 113. A. MORONI, 1960. Sources, reliability and usefulness of consanguineity data with special reference to Catholic records. International Sym- osium of Demography and Genetics, Geneva. L.L. CAVALLI-SFORZA, 1960. Indagine speciale sulla consanguineita dei matrimoni. Istituto Centrale di Statistica, Roma. A. MORONI, 1960. Analisi metodologica del rilievo della consanguineita. Parte Prima - Legislazione e materiale religioso e civile italiano per il rilievo della consanguineita. Folia Hereditaria et Pathologica, 9, fasc. 3: 199-247. ~ L.L. CAVALLI-SFORZA, 1961. Lezioni di metodologia statistica per ricercatori - Il numero di osservazioni necessarie in esperimenti semplici e l'efficienza dell'esperimento. Istituto di Calcolo della Probabilita, Istituto di Statistica, 4: Articolo Terzo. L.L. CAVALLI-SFORZA, 1961. Un metodo per la stima della freauenza di mutazione dell'uomo; risultati preliminari. Atti A.G.1., vI; 151-162. L.L. CAVALLI-SFORZA, J.A. ROPER, G. SERMONTI, S.I. ALIKHANIAN, D.A. HOPWOOD and J.F. STAUFFER, 1961. Panel discussion: microbial genetics and its application to fermentations. Sci. Repts., lst Super. Sanica, 1: 441-483, L.L. CAVALLI-SFORZA, 1961. Biologia e genetica. L'Ateneo Parrense, Christiansen, R.O., L.A. Page, and R.E. Greenberg. Analysis of glycogen storage in hepatoma: dephosphophosphorylase kinase defect. J.Pediat. 63:952, 1966. 2. Christiansen, R.O., and R.E. Greenberg. nypoglycenia due to diminished hepatic gluconeogenesis. Proc.tiest.Soc.Pediat.Res. 14:79, 1967. 3. Christiansen, R.O.,and R.E. Greenberg. Regulation of gluconeogenic enzymes in the newborn period. Soc.Pediat.Res.Abs. 37: 158, 1967. 4. Greenberg, R.E., R.O. Christiansen, R.N. Remen, A.F. xohrman, and G. Reaven. Physiologic mechanisms in infantile hypoglycemia. Pediat.Res. 1:292, 1267 5. Christiansen, R.O., and A. Loyter. Respiratory control and calcium binding in submitochondrial particles. Fed.Proc. 27:527, 1968. 6. Dideso, F., R.O. Christiansen, H. Steensland, and A. Loyter, Localization of inner mitochondrial membrane components. Fed.Proc. 26:663, 1969. , te Christiansen, R.O., W.d.W. Fan, D.A. Belenky, and L.A. Page. Eifect of a ace) Pes GEO = 1269 O - 359-379 PAAES DO NOT TYPE IN THIS SPACE-SINDING MARGIN GOMINUU HOH pues os f C ' . Tenn ee et ty r chlorpropamide in central and nephrogenic: diabetes insipidus. Amer. Pedist.So70.4 Soc.Pediat.Res.Abs., p. 192, 19709. ~~ 8. Christiansen, R.O., J.D. Johnson, J. Mellema, and G. Reaven. Severe prolonged neonatal hypoglycemia, nodular hyperplasia of the pancreas and hyperinsulinisr. Amex.Pediat.Soc.&Soc.Pediat.Res.Abs., p. 193, 1971. 9. Christiansen, R.O., E. Monn and M. Desautel. Highly specific isozyme of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase associated with sexual maturation. Clin.Res., 20: 252, 1972.. ho. Hansen, R., J. Johnson, W. Albritton, R.O. Christiansen and V. Wexrthemann. Absent anterior pituitary and neonatal hypoglycemia, Clin.Res., 20:254, 1972. hl. Christiansen, R.O. and M. Desautel. Highly specific testicular isozyme of cyclic nucleotide phosphodieterase associated wtih sexual maturation., Ped.Res. 6:349, 1972. h2. Christiansen, R. O., E. Monn and M. Desautel. ‘Highly specific isozyme of phosphodiesterase associated with male sexual maturation. Abstracts, IV Int. Cong.Endo., 4:536, 1972. PHS-398 Page Roy, 2-69 GPO : 1963 O- 0-27 P1299 RANE : one Titue . . BET - TATE vg ety lee Alen M, GUFFIELo Researen associate wecéncer Lo7 isis PLACE OF BIATH (City, Sieve, Couniry) PRESENT NATIONALITY (ff non-US cititen, Sex | . indicate kind of visa and expiration date) Perth, Western Australia Australian, Permanent resident on Tew tment Uing Poe Mate ™ Samay . EQUCATION (Seva wren dactelrurente Maurin stg include Dossdee tora INSTITUTION ANDO LOCATION YEAS SCIENTIFIC . DEGREE CONFERRED FIELO University of Western Australia B. Sc(1st Clhss Hons) 1958 Organic Chemistry | University of Western Australia Ph.D. 1962 Organic Chensitry HONORS MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST Applications of mass spec tremetry to Blolorr end Elomedical Preblems ROL! IN PROPOSED PAOsECT Organic Chemist/mass spectroscopist JESEAARCH SUPPORT (Se -nstrucuons! N/A RESEARCH ANV0.04 PF LFES5,SNAL EKEES. ENCE {Si3ctIeg wt Most repreceniauve puducavors, Conotescecsa 3 20 fh OfeSINl SOUYON, es sean g , SS Land expernense feiewani igareasi ort,cce wild (OF eicn Ineo ahd aoe 323 mn 1970 - Research Associate, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School oF Medicines - Eead of the Mass Srectromet atory hemistry Derartment 1969 ead of th ss S: r ry Laboratory, Chemistr i Stanford University . 1955 - 69 Sesearch Associate, Derartment of Chemistry, Stanford University . : s alae A : - . t veg 1963 - 65 Posicoctoral Fellow, Derartment of Chemistry, Stantord University 1962 - 63 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Blochemistry, Stanford University School of Medicine. PUBLICATIONS SINCE 1971 . t A Gan nten . . 1 6 eoecrTa. Lz. An Apolication of Artificial Intollisence to the Interpretation oF Mass Sse Moss Spectrometry, © , BeW.G. Milne, Ed., John Wiley ana Sons, New York, 1971, Po, 121-178 By B. G 2uchanca, A. M. Duffield and A. V. Robertson inna lew. 2.79 P~19D) 10. ll, 12, Mass Spectrometry in Structural ani Stereochemical Problems. CCIV. rectra of Hydaentoins.II. Electron Impact Induced Fragmentation of some Substituced Hydantoins. Org. Mass Spectr., 5, 551 (1971) By R. A. Corral, QO. O. Orazi, A. M. Duffield and C. Djerassi bp Electron Impact Induced Hydrogen Scrambling in Cyclohexanol and Isomeric Methylcyclohexanols. | Org. Mass Spectr., 5, 363 (1971) By R. H. Shapiro, S. P. Levine and A. M. Duffield . Derivatives of 2-Biphenylcarboxylic Acid. Rev. Roumain. Chem., 16, 1095 (1971) By A. T. Balaban and A. M. Duffield Alkaloide aus Evonymus europaea L. Helv. Chim. Acta, 54, 2184 (1971) By A. Klaések, T. Reichstein, A. M. Duffield and F. Santavy , Studies on Indian Medicinal Plarts. XXVIII. Sesquiterrene Lactones of Enhyer> Fluctusns Lour, Structure’ of Enhydrin, Fluctuanin and Fluctuedin. Tetrahecren, 23, 2235 (1972). By E. Ali, P. >. Ghesh Dastidar » S- C. Pakrashi, L. J. Durhan and A. MU. Duftieid The Electren Imcact Promoted Fragmentation of Aurone Epoxides. Orz. Mass Spectr., 5, 122 (€1¢72) By B. A. Brady, W. I. O'Sullivan and A. M. Duffield The Determinaticn of Cyclohexylemine in Aqueous Solutions of Scdium Cyclemacte by Electron Carture Gas Chromategrapny. Anal. Letters, =, 222 (1272) By. M.D. Soloman, W. £. Pereira and A. M. Duffield adie Ions. Nineteenth Annuél Conference on Computer Reccgnition of Metast Mass peerrenesry s Atlanta, ~S72 >. 63 TH By A. M. Duffield, W. =. Reynolds, D. A. Andersen, R. A. Stiliman, Jr. and Cc. <. Carroil Spectrometrie de Masse. VI. Fragmentation de Dimethyl- 2,2-dicxolanes-1 ,3- Insatures. Org. Mass Spectr., 5, 1409 (1971) By J. Kossanyi, J. Chuche and A. M. Duffield Chlorpremazine Metabolism in Sheep. II. In vitro Metabolism and Preparation of 3H-7-Hydroxychicrorcmazine. ; Journees D'agressologie, 12 , 333 C1971} By L. G. Brooks, M. A. Holme. es, I. S. Forrest, V. A. Bacon, A. M. Duffield and 4. D. Solemon Mass Spectrometry in Structural and Stereochemical Problems. CCXVII. ‘ Electron Impact Promoted Fragmentation of O-Methyl Oximes of Some a,8-Unsaturated Ketcnes and Methyl Substituted Cyclohexanones. ‘Canadian J. Chem., 50, 2776 (1972) By Y. M. Sheikh, R. J. Liedtke, A. M. Duffield aiid C. Djerassi P17 TMT Fe ew wh Lom $ Pane reemont Cf CSme ses ADAYAPALAM T. GANESAN Born: Madras State, India. May 15, 1932, Citizenship: U. S. Citizen Married Ann K. Cook, Ph.D. (Stanford University, Department of Genetics), ‘Research Associate, Department of Biology, Stanford University. Education: 1947-1951 Annamalai University, Madras State, India. Physics, Chemistry, English. B. S. (1951) Botany. 1951-1953 Annamalai University, Madras State, India. M. A. (1953) Plant Physiology and Genetics 1959-1963 Stanford University, Department of Genetics, Palo Alto, California (National Institutes of Health Trainee under Professor Joshua Lederberg). ; Ph. D. (1963) Genetics. Thesis title: Physical and Biological Studies on Transforming DNA from B. subtilis. Professional Experience: Research Fellow (1953-55), Department of Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. Awarded Institute Fellowship. Research Associate (1955-57), Botany Department, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India. Responsible for plant tissue cuit teaching of genetics course (laboratory and lectures). ure, Fellowship (1957-59), Awarded by Rask @rsted Foundation of Denmark for study at: Department of Physiology, Carlsberg Leboratory, Copenhagen, Denmark. Worked under Professor 0. Winge, F.R.S. (fermentation genetics and some aspects of cytology). Department of Physiological Chemistry, Carlsberg Laboratory, Copenhagen. Worked under Professor Holter (pnysiology of sporu- lation in yeasts)... Department of Genetics, University of Copenhagen. Neurospora genetics and methods. Research Associate (1963-65), Department of Genetics, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. Assistant Professor (1965-70); Associate Professor (1970-present). Special Fields of Research Interest: DNA Replication and Recombination Mechanisms in B. subtilis; in vitro Synthesis of Biologically Active DNA. Repair of DNA Molecules and its genetics. Phage DNA Biosynthesis. Cytogenetics of Eukaryotic Cells. Recent Publications: Studies on in vitro Replication of B. subtilis DNA. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 33:45 (1968). ATP Dependent Synthesis of Biologically Active DNA by Azide Poisoned Bacteria. Proc. Natl. Acad. Scie. 68:1296 (1971). Ppa DNA Synthesis in Bacteriophage SPO-1 Infected Bacillus subtilis. J. Virology 9:263 (1972), with C. 0. Yehle,. A Deoxyribonucleic Acid Polymerase I Deficient Mutant of B. subtilis. J. Biol. Chem. 247:5867 (1972), with P. J. Laipis. ~ In vitro Repair of X-irradiated DNA Extracted from a Polymerase I Deficient Bacillus subtilis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.(¥ fovenbern1972) , with P, J. Laipis. 69° 22H . Mo 22. In vitro DNA Synthesis and Function of DNA Polymerases in Bacillus subtilis in "DNA Synthesis in vitro". Ed. R.-D. Wells and R. B. Inman, University Park Press, Baltimore, Maryland (1972), with C. 0. Yehle and P. J. Laipis. Source of Funds: NIH, General Medical Sciences NIH Research Career Development Award (GM~50199) Title of Project: DNA Replication and Recombination in Bacillus subtilis Principle Investigator: A. T. Ganesan Grant Number: GM 14108, GM-50199 (Award‘through November 1975) Vor: 2.%, No. > P-173 Fis 4s wh rag ee SECTION HI ~ PRIVILESED COMMUNICATION fesarmact af tenzes BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (Give the following infarmation for elf Professional personnel listed on pe n é 25e 9, beginning with the Principal Investigator, Use continuation pazis and follow the same general format for each person} NAME TITLE * BIRTHDATE (0,, Cay, Yt.) Terence John Gribble Assistant Professor -| April 6, 1937 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) ' PRESENT NATIONALITY (/f non-US citizen, SEX indicate kind of visa and expiration date} Cardiff, Wales U.S.A, ot _ . Mate (_} Femate EDUCATION (B8ecin with baccslaurcate training and include postdactoral} INSTITUTION AND LOCATION : YEAR SCIENTIFIC DEGREE CONFERRED FIELD University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn, B.S. 1959 Chemistry Stanford University, Stanford, CaliforniajM.D. —. | 1964 HONORS Faber Pediatric Award (1964); Borden Student Research Award (1964); Dernhanm S Fellow (1970). SOCIETIES: Western Soc. for Pediat. Resaarch (1968):Arer. So MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE IN PROPOSED PROJECT ‘Pediatric Hematology - Hemoglobin Sunthocis Investigator RESEARCH SUPFCRT (See instructions) ° Dernham Senior Fellow, American Cancer Society, July 1, 1970 - June 30, 1973 Current year $20,690. Total $60,989. a2. nee RESEARCH AND/QR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Starting with present position, list training and experience relevent to area oF proj. Or most representative publications, Do not exceed 3 pases for each individssi) fe Erte 1969 to present - Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Stanford University 1969 ~- Chief Residert in Pediatrics, Stanford University 1968 - Research Fellow in Pediatric Hexatology, Stanford University © 1966 - 1968 --U.S. Public Health. Service (NIH) National Heart Institute, Pethecda, Se Marylend, — Publications (Selected) Walters, T.R., Gribble, T.J., and Schwartz, H.C.: Heme Synthesis in Normal and Leukeni Leukocytes. Nature 197:1213, 1963. ' ~ Gribble, T.J. and Schwartz, H.€.: Effect of Protoporphyrin on Hemoglobin Synthesis. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 103:333, 1965. Gribble, T.J., Comstock, T.J., and Udenfriend, $.: Collagen Chain Formation and Perci Proline Hydroxylation in Monolayer Tissue Cultures of L-929 Fibroblasts. arch. Biochem. Biophys. 129:308, 1569. Comstock, J.P., Gribble, T.J., and Udenfriend, S.: Further Studies on the Activation of Collagen Proline lydroxylation in Cultures of L-929 Fibroblasts, Archives Biochem. and Biophys, 137:115, 1970. -Lincoln, D.R., Edmunds, D.J., Gribble, T.J., and Schwartz, H.C.: Studies on the Hemoglobins of Pinniped. In press, January 1973, Blood. Tune, B.M., Leavitt, T.J., and Gribble, T.J.: The Wenolytice--Urewic Syndrome in Calif. : Review of Tucntyv-Light Non-Neparinised Cases With Long Tern Folleveur. Soccer ee.. anne . &> t 2 ’ publication In Iv of Pediat ~ Pies Loe ee Sh Woke. Pesertrert of Cos Sects 33, = Me ~ ies TT om 7m : wat ew ee Se SRF ca Te em? BOE 20 ab BPM aT GP BGT pp eToete NAME TITLE BIRTHOATE ius, Cay, rd Leonard A. Herzenbera Professor of Genetics Nov. 5, 1931 PLACE OF BIRTH (City, State, Country) PRESENT NATIONALITY (ff non-U.S ertizen, SEX indicate kind of visa and expiration date} oklyn, New York . US. Bro yn, XKX mate 7 Femaie EDUCATION (8esin with baccalaureace training end include postdoctoral) INSTITUTION AND LOCATION DEGREE CONFENRED scents Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York A.B. 1952 Biology, Chemistry California Institute of Technology ; Pasadena, Calif. Ph.D. 1955 Biochemistry, Immunclos, Pasteur Institue, Paris, Postdoctoral Feljlos 1957 HONORS Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi Distinguished Alumnus Award, Brooklyn College, 1970 Genetics Study Section, ational Institues of Health MAJOR RESEARCH INTEREST ROLE tN PROPOSED PROJECT Immunogenetics, somatic cell genetics Principal Investigator RESEARCH SUPPORT (See instructions) N.I.H. GM-17367, Automated Cell Sorting- Clinical & Biological Uses, $160,€02 current year direct costs, total funds for vroject $585,977 (1/1/73- 12/31/75). N.I.H/ AI-08917, Genetics of Immunoglobulins, $52,774 current year direct costs, total funds for project $246,386 (5/1/69- 4/31/74). N.I.H. CA 04621, Genetic Studies with Mammaiian Cells; -$80,994, current year cireet costs, total funds for project $424,981 (9/1/72-8/31/77) N.1.H. HD 01287, Fetal-materna] Inmunological interactions. $35,000 current year direct costs, total funds for project $101,572 (5/1/70-4/30/73) RESEARCH AND OR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Soorting with present position, dist training and exzerience relevant to ar23 of 29o,202 0 Ls3t a! Or most representatuve pubiicauons, Do not exceed 3 cages for each ing: ¢idual.) 1969-present Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California, Professer oF Genetics . 1964-1969 Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford , » California, ASSO. Professor of Genetics 1959-1964 Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California, Assistant Provess of Genetics "Polehe National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Officer, USPHS (Or. Harcy agle 1955-1957 Pasteur Institute, Paris, France (Prof. Jacques Monod, American Cancer Seciety Postdoctoral Fellow) 1952-1955 Ph.D. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California (Major: 3iccner- istry, Prof. H.K. Mitchell; Minor: Immunology, Prof. R.D. Owen) 1948-1952 A.B. Brooklyn College, New York PIS Leonard A, Herzensera, Publication List Mitchell, H. K. and Herzenbera, L.A. Enzymatic degradation of cytochrome C Colovick, S.P. and Kaplan, Ht. 0. (eds.) Methods of Enzymology 60:167-69, Academic Press, N.Y., 1955. Mitchell, H. K. and Herzenberg, L.A. Zone electrophoresis on sponce rubber Analytical Chemistry 29:1229, 1957, Herzenberg, L.A. and Herzenberg, L.A, Adaptation te lactose Nutrition Reviews 17:65-67, 1959, Herzenberg, L.A. Studies on the induction of beta-qalactosidase in a cryptic strain of eschericnia coli Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 31:525-38, 1959, Herzenberg, L.A. Discussion of genetics of somatic cells (Bar Harbor, Maine, Sept. 1960) Burdette, W. J. (ed) ~ Methodology in Marnmalian Genetics, p. 462-63, Holden-Day, Inc., San Francisco, 1963. Herzenberg, L.A. and Roosa, R.A. Nutritional requirements for growth of a mouse lymphoma in cell culture. Experimental Cell Research 21:430-38, 1960. Herzenberg, L.A. Isolation and identification of derivatives formed in the course of intracellular accumulation of thiocalactosides by escherichia coli. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 93:314-15, 1961. Cann, H.M. and Herzenberg, L.A. Detection and localization of H-2 antigen in cells arown in culture. American Journal of Diseases of Children 102:477, 1961. (Abstract) Herzenberg, L.A. Chemical and serological characterization of purified H-2 antiaens. “Mechanisma of Immunological Tolerance" Proceedings of a Conference of the Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Prague (Nov. 1961) p. 495-99, 1962, Herzenberg, L.A. and Herzenberg, L.A. Association of H-2 antigens with the cell membrane fraction of mouse liver. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 47:762-67, 1961. 12, 13, 15, 16 & 17. 18. 19, 20. 21. 22. 23. Herzenberg, L. A. - Histocompatibility antigens and tissue transplantation, American College of Physicians, Annual Meeting, April 1962. Herzenberg, L. A. A genetic and inmunologic approach to the purification of an histocompatibility antigen. Leone, C. A. (ed.) The Effects of Tonizina Radiations on Immune Processes, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, N. Y., 1962. Cann, H. M. and Herzenberg, L. A. In vitro section for isoantigenic variants of mammalian somatic cells. American Journal of Diseases of Children, p. 533, 1962. (Abstract) Herzenberg, L. A. Part I, Steps toward a genetics of somatic cells in culture. Part II]. Maternal isoimmunization' as a result of breeding in the mouse, Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology, Suppl. 1, 60:145-57, 1962, ~ Roosa, R. A., Bradley, T. R., Law, L. W. and Herzenberg, L. A, Characterization of resistance to amethopterin, &-azaquanine and several fluorinated pyrimidines in the murine lymphocytic neoplasm, p. 388, | Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology, 60:109-26, 1962, Wunderlich, J. R. and Herzenberq, L. A. A second gamma globulin isoantigen (allotype) in the mouse. Genetics 47:995, 1962 (Abstract). Cann, H. M. and Herzenberg, L.A. In vitro studies of mammalian somatic cell variation I. Detection of H-2 pheontype in cultured mouse cell lines. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 117:259-65, 1963. Cann, H. M. and Herzenberg, L. A. In vitro studies of mammalian somatic cell variation. II. Isoimmune cytotoxicity with a cultured mouse lymphoma and selection of resistant variants. Journal of Experimental Medicine , 117:267-84, 1963, Mishel], R. I., Herzenbera, L. A. and Herzenberg, L.A. Leukocyte agglutination in mice, Detectton of H-2 and non H-2 jsoantiqens. Journal of Immunology, 90:628-33, 1963. Herzenberg, L. A. Tachibana, D. K., Herzenberg, L.A. and Rosenberg, L.T. A gene locus concerned with hemolytic complement in mus musculus. Genetics 48:711-15, 1963. P-197 24. 25. 26, 28. 29, 31. 32, 33, 34, Wunderlich, J. and Herzenbera, L.A. Genetics of a garma globulin isoantigen (allotype) in the mouse, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 49:592-98, 1963. Herzenberg, L. A., Rosenberg, P. and Herzenberg, L. A. Gamma globulin isoantigens (allotypes) in the mouse. Genetics 48:892, 1963. (Abstract), Herzenberg, L.A., Mishel], R. I. and Herzenbera, L.A. Gamma-globulin isoantigens (allotypes) in the house mouse. Proc. of the XI International Conaress of Genetics, The Hague, The Netherlands, Sept, 1963, 1:196. (Abstract). Erickson, R. P. Herzenberg, L.A. and Goor, R. Partial immune elimination of homoloqous red blood cells in mice. Transplantation 2:175-82, 1964. Herzenberg, L. A. and Cole, L. J. , Presence of donor specific gamma-globulins in sera of allogeneic mouse radiation chimeras. Nature 202:352-53, 1964, Erickson, R. P., Tachibana, D.K. Herzenberg, L. A. and Rosenberg, L. T. A single gene controlling hemolytic complement and a serum antigen in the mouse, Journal of Immunology 92:611-15, 1964. Papermaster, B, W. and Herzenberq, L.A. In vitro selection of an isoantiqenic variant from a cultured mouse lymphoma heterozygous at the H-2 locus. Genetics 50:274 Herzenberg, L.A. Study of the H-2 locus in murine cel] cultures Krooth, R. S. (ed.) Somatic Cell Genetics, p. 140-166, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1964, Herzenberg, L. A. A chromoseme region for gamma,, and beta,, globulin h chain : . : 2A 2A isoantigens in the mouse, Cold Spring Harbor Sypm. Quant. Biol. 29:455-64, 1964. Herzenberg, L. A., Warner, N. L., and Herzenbera, L.A. Immunoglobulin isoantigens (allotypes) in the mouse, I, Genetics and cross-reactions of the 7S ganmayy isoantiaens controlled by alleles at the Iq-1 locus. Journal of Experimental Medicine 121:415-38, 1965, Warner, N. L. and Herzenberg, L. A., Cole, L.A. and Davis, W. E.,dr. Dissociation of skin homograft tolerance and donor type gamma globulin synthesis in allogeneic mouse radiation chimaeras. Nature 205:1077-79, 1965, P1982 35. 36. 37. 38, 39, 40. 4. 42. 43. 44, Papermaster, B. W. and Herzenberg, Leonard A, 1966. Isolation and characterization of an isoantigenic variant from a heterozyqous mouse lymphoma in culture. Journal of Cell Physioloay 67:407-20, 1966. Herzenberg, L. A., 1966, H-2 and immunoglobulin isoantiaens (allotypes) in somatic cell genetics. (Antigenic variation of somatic cells and genetics cytogenetic aspects of cell antigenicity-introduction), p. 363- 65. In Jan Klein, Marta Vojtiskova and Valdimire Zeleny (Genetic Variations in Somatic Cells, Proc. Symp. Mutational Process, Praha, August 9-11, 1965. Academia (Czechoslovakian publisher). Herzenberg, L. A, ,and Herzenberg, L.A. 1966. Suppression of a yG-Globulin allotype in mice by anti-allotype anti- bodies, pp. 227-32. 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