THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Madison 6 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS July 23, 1947 Mr. Joshua Lederberg Osbern Botanical Laboratory Yale University New Haven, Cennecticut Dear Mr. Lederberg: Thanks fer your letter of July 21. We shall leok forward te your visit to Wisconsin on August 20, and I hope that it will be possible for you to spend twe or three days here at that time. The talk which we are suggesting that you give will probably be attended by staff members frem this Department, Agricultural and Medical Bacteriology, Biochemistry and Plant Patholegy. Graduate students in these fields will be invited alse. It is our hope that even though many peeple take their vacations in August, we will have a fairly representative greup of interested people present. It would be advantageous, I think, if this meeting were conducted with the informality of a seminar. We shall leave it to you te choose the tepic. I am sorry on yeur account that we have not been able to pre- ceed more expeditiously in considering candidates for our position, and it is our hepe that pending your visit with us other possibili- ties open to you may not be excluded. The very large post-war student lead has led to a general situation in the University in which plans for new work are sometimes crowded aside by the more immediate prob- lems of eperation. There is considerable interest here in the new appointment, and we are getting fine ceoperation from the Administra- tion even though the matter may not seem to move along as rapidly as we would like. Sincerely yours, RCo. Neck R. A. Brink Prefessor of Genetics RAB/s