STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 e (415) 321-1200 L ‘a STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics April 10, 1973 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Dear Professor Lederberg Charles McLennan recently showed me a portion of a grant application from your department in which you implied that in the Department of Gyne- cology and Obstetrics at Stanford there was absence of a faculty with interests in the field of fetal physiology. Since | have worked in this area for the last nineteen years (twelve at Stanford), ! would appreciate being allowed to briefly outline what | have done. | was the first in this country to collect a large series on the use of amniocentisis beginning my studies in 1954; following my failure to obtain continued support for the development of an apparatus to maintain an extrauterine fetus, in 1967 | began developing alternate techniques for clinical fetal monitoring. In the subsequent five years | published more than 25 titles relative to fetal or obstetrical physiology and was invited to present my data to both national and international congresses. Excluding the Los Angeles County Hospital (which is part of the U.S.C. system) | have been asked during the past two years whether | was interested in heading up four of the five or six other American obstetrical centers which have facilities for large scale fetal monitoring. Like many Stanford faculty, | declined all four invitations and have chosen to remain in the Palo Alto area, believing that it is a superb place to rear a family. | believed that | could accomplish certain goals using even a small clinic population. However, after Charles McLennan agreed, with the support of N. Kretchmer and J. Bunker, to appoint in April 1972 an individual as head of the Stanford obstetrical service (a position |! had long sought) who had no experience in either investigational or academic medicine, | did move elsewhere. My major efforts now are in the area of community medicine at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center where | am under Ernest Lowe in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. (1 spend one half day a week at the Stanford Hospital.) | write this note not in the sense of imposing upon you by asking for your support or interest but simply to point out to you that there has been an active program at Stanford in the study of fetal physiology. 1 know that other Stanford faculty have voiced opinions similar to yours over the alleged deficiency in our department. I personally believe that such a concept has been in error and that its expression to various NIH bodies has been damaging both to myself and to the department in our efforts to obtain funding and support at a national level. Sincerely yours Robert C, Goodlin, M. D. Associate Director Department Gyn-Ob Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Enclosure RCG:poa