May 16, 1938 Dear Bob: X hepe The ‘Acting’ will have been dissipated by the tine you get this. Nevdless to say, I wma greatly ersouraged by the tenor of ny visit and on looking forward te more definite verd fron you. I am erslosing the "Blurb! I praised you. This was semposed seme tine ago, and some details are questionsble, My attitude abeut counseling, for exemple, obviously reflects ny om inadequacies, and more direct service aight be poesible, and shauld perhaps be enecuraged, if it could be staffed fren a olin’ depertuemt,. Aleo enclosed are seme other materiala that may be relevant te justifications you may have to put out. Rather hopes she can have a raincheok for the visit she couldn't make this time, aemming a1] goes well in the immediate future, I will have to mke a project site visit for NIN in Septexber, in any case and that night be a convenient occasion, The statement of expenses reflects a reduction of cost te Stenford, since it turned out that the NAS wag paying my expenses for the satellite mating, I added an item for the trip to Chicage in Pebruary for & preliminary diseussion with Kornberg, but will be quite happy to pay that wut of pocket if thie ie an inapprepriate charge. I knew you have suse birrer probless to worry about, Mery thanice for yourvpersornal) interest and hospitality, an encouraging fore~ rurmer of future relationships, Youre sincerely, Joamn. Lederberg