STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 4 “ ry DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY June 2h, 195% Dr. Joshua Lederberg The University of Wisconsin Devartment of Genetics Madison 6, wisconsin when we talked at cur heuse vou said "If Kornoere comes to Stanford Itd be on the next o.lane." It aorvears now that he will, but what nanpened to the plane sciedule? I hear that ycu closed the dcor on Stanford scme time dack and that they are now looking at several veovle not at all in tre same class. This is too bed. Is there anything I could oossibly do that would meove you here a cousle of years from new? A department of medical genetics in the med schocl? A joint avocintment with piclogy? Ve are mceving fast in the right direction and nothing should be imocssiole. Or are you and Esther now wedded tc the cold winters for life? Kiet your kid brother at Dan Maziats one evening and wes much impressed. Cordially, a Aveen Goldstein P.S. Arthur's decisicn is nct yet general knowledge.