I. THE THIRD STRAIN WHICH HAS NON-MOTILE PHASE-1. II. MONOPHASIC NATURE OF SAL. ABORTUS-EQUI. III. ARE Hp AND PHASE CONTROLLER SEPARABLE BY RECOMBINATION ? EV. PHASE~1 MONOPHASIC VARIANTS OF SAL. TYPHIMURIUM AND SAL. PARATYPHI B. V. RECURRENT ALTERNATION OF PHASE IN SAL. TYPHIMURIUM. Report by Tetsuo Iino ‘Dec. 1, 1957) THE THIRD STRAIN WHICH HAS NON-MOTILE PHASE#1, SW547 is a phase-2 monophasic variant of Sal. typhimurium. A mass culture of the strain segregates swarms (motile clones) and colonies (non=-motile clones) on a NGA plate. The change from motile to non—-motile and the reverse occurres as frequently as phase variation, suggesting the contribution of a similar factor as Ah, in SW1061 and SW629. Transduction was performed from SW547 to Sal. heidelberg SW1092 Fla7(r:1.2). KMotile transductional clones were screened on NGA plates, and antigen type was examined. The methods emploied are the same as thosé described in the Report 1956-i. The results were listed in table 1 together with the results on SW1061 and SW629. Among 11 Flaj-H, transductions , 8 are phase-2 monophasics, which produce non=notile phase--in place of phase-1, whereas the remaining 3 are diphasics,. Thereofore, it is inferred that the gene which inactivate the function of Hy in SW547 is linked to H, as in SW1061 and SW629. The monophasic factors in SW1O6l1, SW629 and SW547 will be given symbols Ahj,, Ahjp and Ahy, correspondingly. To test allelism of Ahj,, Ahyp and Ah}, mutual transductions were made between SW1O61, SW629 and SW547. Non-motile phase was used as both donor and recipient, and i~type swarms were screened on NGA plates which were supplxemented anti-1,2 serum. As a control, diphasic Sal. typhicurium 1.2 was used as a donor. The results were summarized in table 2a. They are parallel with the results previously obtained between SW1061 and SW629 (c.f. the Report 1956-3), indicatiang that they are not allelic but closely linked each other and presumably belong to a cistron. When the number of swarms which occurred by spontaneous reversion arex substracted frou the data in table 2a, and the numbers of transductions are expressed by % of the yield in which 12 was used as a donor, the results are represented as in table 2b. The data present a rule that the yield of the recombinant is higher in between Ahi, and Ahy, than in between Ahjp and Ahi, when the donor or the recipient is the same. Samely, the yield between Ahip and Ahj, is higher than that between Ahj, and Ahj,. If the assumption that the number of recombinant between two loci aide a function of AEnkage distance can be applied to these results, the sequence of Ahy., Ahiy and Ahj, may be a-=c-=b. However, genetic background of these three strains are considerably different, and the possibility that some factors other than linkage distence affect the yield of the recombinant type is not excluded. Consequently, the proposed sequence must be examined by a more appropriate analysis in future (for example, Hy? Ahya Ahyp Hols 2 — Hat Ahi a Ab Hols? anti-1,2 serum NGA screening test whethe? mAjér type is i or r.). Table 1 Transductions from Fla7(i):1,2 monophasic variants of Sal. typhimurium to Sal. heidelberg Fla7(r:1,2). Transductional types r: 1,2 ri: 1.2 i: 1,2 i: 1,2 (r): 1.2 (i): 1,2 Total Donors SW629 152 145 189 161 0 2 6 1 0 je 6 30 356 341 SW547 81 32 Oo Oo OD WwW 127 Transduced loci Flay Fla, Flay, Hy Flay, Hy? Flay, Ah,~ Flay, H,+, Ahy~ * The cultures were lost before hidden antigen type is determined. Table 2 Mutual transduction. between Ah)~ strains. Recombinants between Ah, loci were scored by countingthe number of i-type swarms on NGA plates. phages were used. In each combination, 5 x 10° cells and 8 x 108 T indicates trail production, (a) Recipient SW1061 SW629 SW547 Donor (Ahj,) (Ahy p) (Ah ¢) T™M2 (+) 266 +7 32147 235+T SW1061 (a) 0 230 50 SW629.— (b) 86 106 58 SW547 (c) 72 193 2 (b) Recipient SW1061 SW629 SW547 Donor (Ahi) (Abip) (Ahj c) TM2 (+) 100 100 100 SW1061 = (a) 0 58 21 SW629 (b) 32 0 24 sw547 (ec) 27 40 9