FURTHER ANALYSES OF MONOPHASIC sATURE OF STRAIN S¥1061 (PSEUDO-MOWOPHASICS Ii A STRAIu OF SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM) Report 1956-4 by Tetsuo Iino (Sept. 14, 1956) In "Report 1956-h", Fla” # 1.2 variatiouswere described ou phase 2 monophasic variant SW1061 (-:1.2) of Sal. typhimurium strain TY (i:1.2). The transductional analyses have suggested that Hj in SW1061 is inactive, gud Fla # 1.2 change corresponds to phase variation genotypically; that is the change of the state of Hp: The iaactivatiou of H, may have occurred either by a chauge of Hy itself or by an inhibitory change of au adjuscent factor against Hy functibu. The present report concerns about experimental tests of these alternatives. MBTERIALS AnD METHODS, The experimeats consist of two transductious, from Sal. typhimriun SW10G1 (-:1.2) to Sal. heidelberg Sw1092 (Fla, r:1.2) and from Sal. abony Sw803 (bsenx) to SW1061,. General methods of transductious are same as described by Lederberg and Tino (1954). For the transduction from SW1061 th Sw1092, lysates of SW1061 were prepared from 1.2 phase cultures. Two lysates, each of which wac prepared from a different single colouy culture, were used for the preseut experiment. As recipieuts, five oversight penassay broth cultures of $w1092, prepared from siugle colonies each, were used, Fla-trausductious were screened ou MGA-plates and their antigens were tested by slide agglutination. When it is necessary, alteruative phases were screened by antiserum-MGA deep tubes, Monophasics -:1.2 were confirmed both by non-swarm production ou auti-1.2 MGA deep tubes aud by segregation of motile aud nou-motile colonies ou MGA plates. The secoud transduction SW803 -x SW1061 is the repetition of the same experiment with the transduction in "Report 1956-h", except equall size of the recipient culture was used as a coutrol, to compare the frequency of i:1.2 type production between Iysate-treated and non-treated cultures. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS. The results were summarized in Table 1 and Table 2, In transduction from SW1061 to SW1092, most of the types are r:1.2 which were produced by the transduction of Flayogze« Besides r:1.2 type, a few number of -:1.2 aud i:1.2 types were recovered. Phase 1 culture of 1:1.2 type obtained shows the same intensity of agglutination by anti-i (react to 1/12800 dilution of the original anti-i serum) as phase 1 culture of diphasic Sal. typhimurium TM2, #:1.2 type does uot agelutinate even by 1/10 anti-i serum #like original SW1061. The ratio of i:1,2 among transductionus is high exough to elimiuate the possibility of its origin by reversion. It may be explained better by assuming that "the factor which inactivates H, function in SW1061 is linked closely but not identical with Hy itself", The non-recovery of (1):1.2 type amoug i:1.2 may be explaiued by the small size of samplixg, as x° test suggests that there is no significant interdependence between the phase of recipient and the frequency of i:1.2 (x*=5.8, 0.2