ML DATE: Pi 0l Jost pyrrnda F prtic Blac @D /koge tpbte . | Cypeer T Momre far [Pare, 7M elle ~ (2) wh in pasbch , AiR abrabo~ Blox. ¥//2 Raathentrep| Lee 10IP1B. Gare dae rp peel RL hom (pbs o Ralfeduel|—Bhe. O/C By ht. urke~to tered shee ppote. afr. ew? 240 L WwBed t ode : NIV—3 ke gant Miq-lxo geh™ | Stole rmnichate sails of. 20 30 40 50 9/10 /s-b ewe fos PL bpeoi _ Wo 1AM. fork. lof AW latinte om poet As fol. LAA me wotehin,| (ere |Rermtend poperr) - pth Dr eieby Kad * x Lv 265-7 wes 4 wo i4 sel w3077 wht S | welt 10] W246 4 wihSS wl W30G7 8 es | Ww7oiS wZHO W3/59 HE iv 3010 w313G — |WwReI77 Aen. Aah -}h Pl he (AARD- O Nase tetny dn. Fe F por - TPM > (og PU. PrgeTto Spa hy Asem Ted nce rote Hy - he pte bated) oC Reeneel fan ylittly, SK ober deen of KEIO | o/ Ve Hepeteny PA vo tn 30 [eo Xiao x iro K 10 = /d ye AAD. — ane | gy ML RIES SHE, ae Rea f- LAP x a ir f bs > - 7G “ 2. RE (a 16 25 weal ne Thy U6 Rae , SR | Pe FI pe ne et Jo~ tol lyeol 46 oe a posytercell, i zory meter jy o® Pl /ne other hea . Ww 1&5 ex fol TE SAL Tl bye net got | gg TAR TG Ayelet Agere IEG (VET). OT Tb parts : hs pak | lt ale 7 TS pref. He Neen oman of fns, PL Cymee - citer | obrrneet ee pot oth str . — DATE: VHe1SE REF: Wiecae ee 3 4 s whee rT TLBG, lo | F aren pARe col. Se ae . 10 rr Lg (. Ino 4 LM tl. WP// 2. |e T/1B6 fanadt ss — t NH s Cc 20 YL Dace] L L nn 71S hart aren | Molt prO, — PY/E fonth rire Bely ~ WIT Spot ont D0) + prctne bb repre TG | (Of perpen, 2 yee > lo) de) B Sae 20 BC faci) LOK TE Lor TT | 2 et\7/ 5 che Akira |areecof fiir taet mer, NT). Saree oe ~ Bie. STi de 2s - Be 50] bw /% 9 KI 15-45 | ma i ‘ ( S ) ~ N24 oar Led: REF: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 o waar 10 1366 ptebesps a. 20 Wale aire 1230 | bby feng es . | TG? gone sed, TE wd 16 (urls). | Ved pas a) of -{ e Mm s } e ~| (. = 30 wilt FS Angra. Wits > RRL leyana, Wwe Joye B/I, Wwite > Tate of Tl, | Sor pna tn ene apd TE It Ft sol TE po " > oS —— So N27) SKA uel DATE: 7 [2 Gb [sb | REF: P Lye ote rn V3 dere > P) he Pi (word) 0 oO | TH lises) T/ (8/6) Té (4eS) 76 (B71) T& (HFS) Em. oY . oO oO Piling <) Oo 20 30 40 50 no oe om ley N25 tek (AT! L gogee /piXe Dm. LS Top Sons, payer + ohne coat, 4 i dma PI, | wigs + V1 Me Ut | (eee Heel) P| 3 Wi3GG + Pl de m wih G+(w 301) P| oR eR, (So | wer ees— + Pf Ae —— } 6 Mh EEF Cusvg) Pl [rnk. Pt Mpc (w 3014) 201 3am C3014) FL ma phe Mato . Arveard- Pike | Capo pete See SS _ 145k = GDR Fr LR D . Diseref- Spm) add tmd dL rn t pb.) ¢ o- : Bey Aseath, Adagtnny pte ce brg Gadd wne LX Al pets $0 [~Ase : q/sls& Toro We. ApS ves (@) Cl (doney) +H + Pl (oak deem be. es J ) O Pi (decprrant bE) Oo Ne 50 TE openers * boue~ Tee 00) vcr, T6( Bh) N2G DATE: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 elite | Te le oe te w322f + |w3I33) Lo we | >. weep + | W3I20) + |w3230) +. | —— po, W0eR) 34D, 4 | w3B4¢| 4 feed) (ey) ae) rol gSo! fo | wRIr7 Sates eto, wws2l +e bv 195“) 4 w35¢ + WIEe i she. we 3174. + YR Te? | + 3 + wore of [eBnZjl + wr | ratte 37 veel — RD) aol TH + wea) +4 we¢o | + fw 2zzey, 3237) +. — w3/27 + w3240) 4 | — — w2e + pha — pR3& i” we 312 | 3234 30) Ww itZ 4O wT WAG QD w~WOF wigs W325 bo TU M24 VL I47 | wd 40 | 50 REF: - ye] Oo 10 FRM f 10 —lwea27 | 7 312.0, 343 iv 40 IKE Y b/94 “74S /7¢ 34K CFL (W333) witso| wes |) Be Tes 2D} ae B57 TN tel Uf Wel 8S wW/FY LS WAFEF w3lyh) ¢ s ¢ WISP VL7TA- : “SDATE: REF: 7 1 2 3 a 6 7 6\B 2 9 10 poe | wn BTS ES gH gee pe Ee be wy © O + O MF KF +t it wag) OQ t+ Ae 4r H+ tPF ik & | wrizepwr?2Zy pQkeT — oO 3139S [WZ wo W224 | w2UtS™ | WZ 2IP W323 9 @ 3237 +t + ++] | KOH te D 33440 0 |O +7/1 0 + + 1 & ae , pape |e TERA) eet) pater wef | WG | weil | TE whi) | TG W313 + Ww 3069 | te w7IS3 |) - W3230) + wr/Ge| W323 7 + (0) W3/34) +- w/S2.| w324O Of | ae ar7 274) win | HO) wre + w 3h Ww 2243 +/0} Wt w3ISF | 7S Fe | Re 22yy + fo] |) | Pte (2 ea Fh | an + W347 ee ot Jahres _ _ 313.3 | > W912 ie Hy W5io + WwI/5h lyp323B 32157] ~ . w3231 0 Ww31S-/ ARE) A 617 wT Z| Ww 3/93 wo 7 — [|W 21SG wasp] te |e3237 W366 | A pret 50 Uf °* H9/59| pe | WZ 2Y0 50 PRK oF B dinero bu FOLF OT ane ple 225- YRS ytraee woe) + 422434 | PRKE Io MTL wIs2, + ayy peti | Bigak- WB. Tom I MiA-Z Math REF: — TD 10 10 _ 20 ra "30 | wars> _|lwarro wry] +40) 50 WRCEq w lt & tv 34S D_ v[aals ws 7. (wats e. we BETA |w317s_ (we ses 3 | les2yol fy 243) ala, pee | (Ve e3 7) wR w 3174+ wrISe| W323 7) W3ne wrS 6 wos WII > w3Z2to w > [Qe by 2EH3 by 2 Uys 23 it f \ t+ tet tt | (4 eX ; Are Ta nee try 22 seer ol yt przy 4 @ “eo /e@ ®eeea ‘ e @-@)> “@ e cee e \ @6>0® 2. J 2 3 eo oe OY > > oo ° —~w N2§ Fat Mi3-BS opeineY wnurne Yared nM dre 4 BE for Lat vere, 1/26 (5E ner AI P Wo. j. | Wray’ | waz wi w BBP W323 | W2z 4} wad ite | t+ 44+ Af | t+ | et weeds) 4+ + + + + + L walt rei + ~ O + 7 © 10 w323e/t4 | + ol + + + + W323q +4 + Q + Oo oO wt +e | + 0 + | 0 7 2. *, plete 2 | | 88 W323) W334 [WIE T [WWTE WITT WrFY InBae 3 | SOUS HK YE 3 ~ ws 2 | 7 | © lel 12 4 s¥3 OO |) T Bt 1+ © (oO Ppa 3) G | /0O. JD I te | te LO 1 O sl | peak + W32MO! WIE | Lars W374 esi 6 WIT W353 Ww 3237 IMAB=2) 2 zai 3 2 2 | O G v3BF 2 2 | 2 | 4 | 4 9? 6 tale) CO | Oo |). o ! | m Oo 42335 {0 | 10 | 10/0 | 4 2 17 1 40}, FHKE Gw3W wr2sD [oy WIZT [WRHS [WV IBBF W323] HIT wee SF wt 3S Bil+ | CO ++ (7 way f | +H SF Blt) Oo rr) ae 343, D | FF O Bilt) o Ft) ge nes 10) Fr IO) JO]+ | + +7 /O sol] ae | 2 pr wrist 24 pate: Ww 3236 C7 NLA-MT XNE-L nye F agef— TLE, 1 c 2 1. 3 . 4 ; FN S L 7 8 9 10 seer ger (HER?) PP 27 A N6-t ret: p p ehmge Salen of w 3236, r-b Ph | SH Sg ekt MAG, AR Acta. ow Meal Sppten 6 lhe, GaRt deel a Sempre Cpeee rede aw VID an 4 bc. 10 Ons oka N29-G potsel ma Un KW CH t+ >), S Tike] o~ Birk br aye ote pdr setrLor~ . N 194-2 b4Leo predmadk | (4 62/2). Jolitfeb.| TA br Dio), Plo) Af | olis [56 Box 21-2. e22- Goreme tes | eg Pinty ; 2029 Ba A atr Bt ws 22]. Pry pol wadinly” w29-G. ( poles [5-6 wris3 Y10 w3oFF RYDE + © 7? 24-61 O a Oo Le w 146) - O t + 01 E156. Re KSaN” oan are 2742, 2776. DP-z 27-k |). WHR OK. = M . \oo eke Se & ee Wk |. >} - wwe, \- We7e, WR + Ww3I79st AH + Wais3 | 4 NX. E. orton Report on lac— study Oct. 4, 1956 Preparation of stocks The plan of this study is to prepare pairs of stocks cohtaining the same lac- allele, the initial member to carry Cavalli's Hfr, M, and a UV-induced lac-, the other to be a lac- F= prototroph derived from the first by recombination with Y10. For chromosome mapping, each Hfr stock will be modified by selection of Ves a marker closely linked on the left of lac-l, In future, the Hfr stock will also carry Pe, one locus for which is reported to lie between lac-l and Ve (Fried, Woe data fit equally well the order P_ V, _lac-l). an Hfr Pe be atock was obtained by UV irradiation of W1L&95 and is being tested to determine the location of P-. Preliminary tests indicate the order P vy lac or VE lac P, Pending the development of the Pe stock, F~ prototrophs and Hfr y53 wll2 lac? M- Pf stocks were prepared far the genes lacl®’, lacy ; jac, 7 2? 316 and for 12 lac derivatives of W195 (1940-51). wo7 lec, ; 1a W929 lacy In addition, F- or Fé prototrorhs were prepared for lacy”, lacy, lac, 193, w3128 and lac (Table 1 and Fig. 1). A. whe In the course of this work, we lac- stocks were isolated which differed in recombination and reversion patterns from the lac- parent:, W31L59 is a stable isolate from a cross of Y10 with the very highly mutable W1951, and fails to tecombine with W1951 and all but one of the apparently single-step lac-1 mutants. W3229 is a spontaneous derivative of W3120 accidentally isolated in serial transfer. It is much more stable than its 1acy®? ancestars and fails to recombine with any of the recognized lac-1 mutants. At present it is the means by which lac-1 is identified, since the lac-l pseudoalleles have sufficiently high recombination ratés to be indistinguishable from unlinked loci in streak tests. W3146 was isolated from a cross of ouil2 W3129 by W112 in a attempt to introduce lac, into an Hfr stock; it recombines with W112 and all tested lac-1 mutants and is almost certainly 2 not a derivative of W112, since it remains Ss. gale VE like W3129,. (Of the stocks in table 1, the Hfr tac? is the only one not yet prepared.) The origin of the two-step mutants W3229 and W3159 raises questions about the nature and frequency of spontaneous changes in recombinatio pattern of lac- mutants. Streak allelism tests Cross-streaks of Hfr M- lace end F~ lac- prototrophs on M lac plates are convenisant tests for allelism, but their interpretation, although elear in most cases, is in others made difficult by too frequent lacfé reversions, especially when they occur in the M~ line, and by the relatively bw fertility of 3H3, W3164, and W3140. Tests with highly fertile Hfr stocks have been unambiguous. The lac- stocks tested fall into two groups. The majority fail to recombine with W3229, and ere therefore designated lac-1 (Table 2). Of these Y87, Y53, W1950, and W1951 appear to be allelic, but may be separated by their reversion rates, which are in the order Y53< Y87< W1950 = W1951 when compared as prototrophs. The latter two stocks are exceptionally revertible and are probably identical, as they were isolated in the same experiment. Similarly, W1948 and W1949 have not been distinguished by recombination and revertibility tests. All other apparently single-step lac-1 mutants recombine with one another. Five lace genes remain unclassified with respect to locus, since they recombine with lech *”, lace2, 3,455, Fp ahd tac 7128 as well as with each other. The two recently obtained lac~ from W323%6 have not been adequately tested. With chromosome mapping tests, some of these unclassified genes will probably be found to be pgeadoallelic with known loci. Intensive allelism tests Quantitative recombination tests have been deferred until ve P- stocks are available. A few intensive allelism tests were carried out on material at hand, without re-isolation of stocks, so that reversions -~3- in the agar stabs over varying tire intervals were confounded with unavoidable reversions in the Penassay broths in which the cultures were grown up and on the M lac plates on which they were tested. Colonies were counted at 21, hrs. to minimize reversions on the plates. Despite the erudeness of these tests, they are of interest in confirming the cross-streak tests and providing a rough measure of reversion rates (Table 3). W3128 lace Hist. FY This stock was received from Borek as a questionable double mutant. Hist “ reversions on D(O) remain lac-. Lac» prototrophs were obtained from a cross with W1695. Both hist- and hist # were isolated from lacf/ reversions on B lac. All the evidence is consistent with independent origin of hist- and lac-, with hist¢ reversions in some lacf papillae. Persistent diplofids From Hl lacy 93 colonies were isolated which carried Het, as shown by laev colonies in the cross with W1940. The lac- parents have been stabbed as N13-2 and the jaev diploids as N13-1. An attempt was made to test allelism of the lac- segregants of H271, a diploid lacf which segregates stable and mutable lace. The original constitution of this stock was rad 3/1ac"*, which was lac- in phenotype. Unfortunately, the y53 Hfr tester is of low fertility and the wil2 tester iN oN Wil2 Y5SS wieg wos WHS = Wi33 W4s WG Z werd W JIN | W323G W3224 Source Moye y53 Vv wll2 “ wi941 v w1945 ~ w1946 wl948 ~~ wl949 w1950 w1951 v’ w3lZ6 w3159 w3229 ~ whd wl08 wo7 wi45 w133 w3128 w1940 wl942 wl943 wl944 wl947 w3237 w3240 Boe oe oe oe pe op op H NIow FF FP BW NY HE BP HE Table 1 Hir_ M ca W3120 - Lac Stocks 3H3 ind. Hfr (JL) W3221 ~M+ W1941 W1945 W1946 W1948 W1949 W1950 W1951 W3146 gal5 We Ss NO W3229 W3164 s™ W3140 Ss” Hfr M- Pa W3237 W3240 N6é NA oO Fe prototroph W3230 W3134 W3089 mal W3148 W3152 ‘1 7 W3153 W174: W3156 W3157 W3158 W3175 WE W3159 W3133 W3112 W2243 W2244 Ff W3127 : W2245 FY W3238 o ¥9239 FY W347 WwaZ9 * W3215 W151 " W3154 N23 N2 N9 N23 N7 Table 2, lac, recombination pattern Stocks recombine to give lacf if the corresponding bard do not overlap. 3ir¢ 2134 3191 3ue 987, y53, wigsnjy «2222 BBY 51571, 2156 3084 wil2 eT w1941 ai wl945 2 w3146 3175_ . 35 wl946 ° DID 31S3 3/33 3)33 w3229 Table 3 Allelism tests Exper. 1. O.1 ml. Fe snd 0,1 ml. Hfr from overnight cultures into penassay. After 4 brs. plate 0.1 of mix on M lac. F Hfr Me W3229(3H3 W1941 W3133 0 0 0 W3134 22 23 > 1000 W3148 1 13 0 W3029 oO — > 1000 ‘ Exper. 2. Mix centrifuged, washed with saline, concentrated in saline 1/10. 1.0 ml. of concentrate on M lac. W3229 W1941 W3133 3 2 W3089 0 = Exper. 3. 0.1 ml. Fe and 0.1 ml, Hfr in 10 ml. penassay, After 3 hrs. plate O.1 ml. on M lac. F- no Hfr allelic Hfr Hfr = W3229 W3133 0 W3229 0 0 W3134 44 3H3 52 50 W3089 0 _ _ 0 W348 0 wi941 0 0 W352 0 W1945 0 0 W3153 1, W1946 15 an W3174, 0 w1948 0 0 W3156 0 w1949 0 0 W3157 26400 W1950 14200 15400 W3158 29000 wi951 17000 23200 W359 0 W1951 32 0 W3175 0 W316 0 0 Table 3 (cont.) Exper. he 0.1 ml. Fe and 6.1 mi, Hfr in 10 ml. Penassaye After 24 hrs. plate 0.1 ml. on M lac. ¥F no Hfr allelic Hfr W3127 32 W3140 153 W3112 0 W3164 0 W3151 0 WL9A4 0 W3154 1 W1947 1 W3147 3 W1940 2 W3149 1 W1942 0 W3150 1 7 0 W3155 0 " 0 N30 Joe nr ! fon N 13-2. X ohare REF: N3 | 1 DATE: ef {( 5b 3 WwW 20 ~ 30 40 50 3iy2 SI] WIth Zam ws 27 3 N3a frtune Tet -f W3236 XW7YES- DATE: fo lESG REF: ~3236= M7 AFR. PO wIY¢S- = Gote Le, (7<28)- iO AW eye A prem P Ke, xX /o- “e~ De) t pork. loftlse@. She mm LP fer ame curQund 7 Arka. el atten Ppt Bec, lod Fhe My Be¥ otto. otk [. | Pret — | | Pam Pt] ee peta / /7 / hil tf peto2 23) YU et dt tt | fo! 3 | é |/7 °7o |623.5 | +8 GS | ARAL gt fee OP | Act fhm |2e/yB fp prise 17/43 : | _ 40426) boct ppl F b 5 V \ Be 4 _ $F 6d ood. _ hte) eT | epeot te frrro te T., 50] NaZA- a) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 -—— CZ 7 Ger Pol | KB | 2 20-6 Ly | | Perf Vel be bbbe, DD AeZH YP = 70. ~~ AHL 1S YP & YS OF ° D BQ 222475 Hd 7 a) V-EPY-3= 206 E,W ory YF PL SEZ — 20 — 3 Ae He gah yo ~ AL) ¢-S1- + F DAL | Aer |? | CALLE 2 + # Eo ZT ur beet UP dnc | = ATH $ LIA = Az FIL) dae™ | Pmt + e* pe S747 APS" 74LE 20.6 “e ge VG dae. hen. mt fsa + - J ! Spor ee 2H] oh? 4-3 ~ Arabteg ©? haptic tit € oO Coin fly gee aris : /6 /3 N33 See vate ol] [s% K Vi resel Ine 3236 REF: — Fo pnrepte Urn af w>LBG reed prom Piece paren « Laren 0 inner t— tnlTerreos yr ' ya toe. UY (/OHere.s 4 Vi. W326 N33-1 foe 10 W3267 N334 22, —_ - 50 Wry DATE: T pane a rng rat. wt. Pl he REF: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 pole (C8 Vb 4236 ome Shee He Oh ml. PI (u 1366): cohen lof b lus 236, 4m plli3eé), poLihhs & | Ww 3234 hr, to Pl 36) | dba d 4 | 3236 HPI (UII) Ca YOO py Hp ro plbe . S eek ATT Hore oo TET Pewee aL M&et Y/O aa hae S | Lec > 20) vrei | Co Reet OA te t+ Lng te “ est S let M+ Th oe t pat f- Ae Cad At? Wrrtedntal [MA oe : ~ lof 6/6’: Paspoa A ‘dn Blec.- Collel 76 fir fbr. 0 -Pnl 32-3 6 | ondnal P/(~}3 66) orf ~329h +4 fb Pllwireb) Repeat ~~ Stre+V| bee ea onS Ae 30 J 1 eSTeHn€ jy 32-316 ty tg 10 hee 7 2 & 324: . Ke OS ee P! (w i366) a BQ CH PL Mure cept fwd be WIEBE tH Cen 2ogertprite) where Apr ja [1U\ FE atrebhscl a~Y 1b wn M dee pects | HAE. ent Nee ee meme 40 4 & Z ~ sf Pl(w30e9) Je— ID Mt Cath AR on WI a ba. 1366) hangin pA On We 3s/27T a MeC- = uaew3 140 - ee Par bem BER? eee 30 ~/ - Spb3/27 ka ae ely y- 2 Cuser) Pl Goat 227366.) fl ome < “o.|K. i~3 “YSImD B/27K PS G2) 2-3 sPapgeer nla, 2er V3 + +) pels . 10 10/ (oe 10], 20) — RpRO Rey _ bef 40 50 Oo y ate tt + ett + of tt —$ 7 so+/ \ 0./¢. ) ety, Cpr) attelo~ Mae. Lrs3 W3)20, WI97 50 av pate: _jo//¢ [sc REF: Jo ore UY (idtp): id pierre of Lhe, (2 ef witso, lo{wa2zaG jo [18 priv inenn ee we LSA) lw BIZO nly pg be at Ae he Bet. [2 Lipa og” arabe . WolTP | Orra| Roe tr-—~ wi2>65V3 6-/er Kalil — Bee * TT “rn i rN ok Soe AT Xe> W3\r0 WII SD oxo 36-/ (w3089 36th ~4 ise | BORA | 56 | 2 wwe, Oo [=e | © O oe 23. |a32, O |e | O Oo O | ¢ luseg O |e") OO O O ~ S iw3im| CO | &B > © & & | wexws3, Oo | + O oOo | oO T 10389) OS | Blo O | 10/2))- Pr otal (2 pope 3i20 ) 2 bpm eit $0) so oo el Ong Abe che ~~ BIS en ix | 18 We | 2A | 28 Yio | RH) KE LK er IE w333| O |F |O | Oo |O was, 2. FILO | O © W3is3| 2 Fr), O 1|CO [O ” Taree A ~2 6B py, pofa3 Kier |e | 5 Gd othe Jom Aah Rs oo BO - Se eet Sees fA-| == 3267 /2C|—= 3270 ~ 24+ = 327/ 2B = 3272 N3°/ Wis66 Bek YT” TLE KW3Z36 YL PO DATE: [06 lI 4 ISG REF: val 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Vo f( EASE. pun , page ccpatily wed) tute ~forgte tenis O/C. lofty] lke frtha Dor pork. SV oreo for Up, & L pho yhT, to fee I 10 (2.4) area ond yt crfernro on Bo, e/a Pra “hepa | Dat perk. | 0[2> FH} fh. Rapetln GO, Ble? B-o+T/, Bat7bs ~ 20 "30 ao __50 N47 k be—-N3 7. Chem peel tas of Tati 200 claato ules ante DATE: jolZ9 REF: fac | Par&® 10 OM MOMMA YAN \hyvt syyyad A addled saa tantaddsaaquistd Ud tddd daqadsdigadt | Jyh) anaeneee rates +p tel yp tydit pee etetH ll +) pd4+) 94411 ++) prtisett bittidgitidl peligf¢yrh dl odg Ye DEED LEE EEL EEA ERAALEA ELLE RKEAAL yatthadet tat a~ B-o+Tl, 76. Ss s\ \via\ \sA\\\iy \\ \M\ Wy Ww \\\\\ \\)\ Leaatktaat Latddddtar sadbadad 42494944 4948 Pan tly e deb laebb aid 41444) 44d 4 PisL eee tet t+ pypeeligie c dgebi dian rditaagp led Peidhe ra eid ete tpdtt it | aka dt heath Ladbhaaedtd beh Le ~t ptete, no Ve A fete an dake rtatat Laddtjttdd o we 5 an wy CV eh RBA y Neve. . g- oy ) 40 50 N378 REF: DATE: Wyn WY wd Muy aaatavcal TN dtdddaJ J SUH adrettadady 9st Qi glel pap Pe Heth yy pH ret Phixsdpyt ieee ld res apergibeg eet wea bate Eee eS tad eddy TTT \\\\ya Wi \Q\WQX 00) WYDAWIIG YI AN staptaagtagy tetatiant padtykadees adel td Frei pre ETRE eed el eed Qe dies gl es eyed bbe yt errere! wea at gd heed Eats Ete 4k ae gee ee AAR 3° 20 ° i] 40 ly c 50 N37C AWAY \AAAYAY ANuidds WNdshai\ds fy MWA Meade ekg ed tkathaadtd yatrt Ja. a kadt kt ; _ . ee HE HH eb eet a mire | +44 +H hy del Spee Hi Neel yi ea { Piet dat) bith See radth ee seeeqeertela ee be ad kath kk tht “AMAA = teh tea AVAN Nh NWN AWA ribs Wy vyw nn Sarlaaditaad§ ets gteted whee ye : Ok Zisuapeesert LI allt La debt Say iran TRL | HHL ane mek bs 4 we 4 q af att ay ‘ LEAK ak 3 d bee kh ddddhad 3 i = fiat | Mua “ aad J) ~N37D REF: fic | Fak er AMM AMSA \\ NTA 3) adadh Ke t4 deh adbd Us cb El Igy bgidkg +444] +444 +4 +4444 +H aeeL gate autasd agetat thet | gba tHe Lt Ltd [++ tirdy | put VI Hil | +44 +4444] 44+ tH J++] rill pi tb ol 441111 ky ty pit td thee ateh RQEeL 4h és Prd pay thak ete? dee eed cae dhg te eeee abet tek EE DATE: Ndi an yg Wl AWA) AYN aad “eeaed | akatad tidkad ad eet att aad raed 7 gad Ladd ++4 + 444444 FHEEEE FEFFEL HE) Fe. +b pettt + ++L+ pil +r t ft fl ditde4 rin rinel Fld yl ;4i4) \ |4 Vtly pag det bk barry k bE REE peeekh ake Eta ERLE bE REL wdtas by ced 10 .O nN o ” B ) ) J NOTE DATE: REF: 4 _f _” ee 10 VA sok lf on Ldkd WWM MMO | (3 aaddd kdbdd} aa tbattd “aid \\ SMM \\ Sin lade pe atad dtditd rdevhd 4+} I++4| Adit] Hi tbE wel + HEA} FTF} AFF H+ Fe gt read SI Zt both 3 rit fiyit aeli dl +444 rie AT Wiel baste bth ype ppp Ve bh L beek ake beedtl thet “tice radh td ett) tad dt thd DATE: S anny of ty perme By BR eel 37 yi a, Ve, Amer, Prk, Vi; (72). i“ l2 LsL. 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