Tobie — | : Seger Behe 4 Perr ixs t (Sy, y? Gund by & Segoe . Ne. Uns Toto Hate Set is se Fuad Saag, ee ——bpE de - Heo 2 a | 8. , Gty- ip’ I . _ _ “Helge ; | ; O 2. [0 b | oe Oe Weta i“, 287 re pie bo, + Let — oo | oe ir cs Sl Go, | : Vir, vA OS st Ody. GS Gyn Lye cece eee cee ce ren ne ete ante ee ee 302, Grae, Feet byt / [Gd bok) ee : . : SG a tha US, 7 bate yur we DAG YAN wpe Tae es uta oo “ | (YY Cis-trans position effects in transduction heterogenctes of ‘Hecherichta coli — The phige Lambda ¢ oan . transduce a fragnent which includes a cluster of genes ‘for galactose fermentation. Most of the transformed clones are "diploid" or “heterogenotic for the transduced genes. Many combinations of non~allelic Or re ren mutants give galactose positive heberogenctes as readily. aeGal+/Gal-. Howes wee ee some combinations of @al- gave smaller and delayed. yields of Positive. clones. > ustion from Gal, + dal,+ Further analysis disclosed a cis-trans position thet between ooragt loci. Tor example, while the chs +/— heterogenctes fomed. wy to Gal,-Gal,,~ are positive, the trans ie heterogenotes: trom the trancduotion from Gal, —Gal,+ to Gal, +Gal,,- are phenotypically galactose negative. In the . _ negative clones, positive heterogenctes are later formed “py orossing over in the, =ty Mt, and ==. The delayed yields that were. womens tmatetty are tuahon _ these secondary events, sh Reciprocal ¢ transiuations have given identical — - ‘phenotypes, 30 that in netarogenotes the ‘genes in the fragment ara functionally equivalent to tne nondlvegous genes in the chromosome. The galactose positive "phenotype thus requires that + alleles be in adjacent positions either in the = fragment cithe chromosome. - PaPiLLAE PER PLATE 3000 2000 | 000 LL {he \, X t ‘ A Mag Gal Lp* Galg” Lp* — arama ‘Gale Lp” L 2. 2 3 10" Lambda Particles Plated PLATE PAPILLAE PER 1000 500 Lp* Gol” Mi. of HFT Lysate Prareo ‘Vv'S ‘nN NI 30vW ‘OS NAOZ13IG0 AN3BONS wsdvd YSlLawiaiiw Hdvyo N|AOZLaId W- Ire "ON \ ON ty 4, Transduction to Lp® recipients It has been stated previously that transductions to Lp® recipients cells with LFT lambda + rresultd in lysogeny of the clone. Nearly all of there lysogenizations are Lp , but EXHXB rarely a clone BE with Lp" phenotype results. With HFT lambda there is r a higher frequency of the Lp type, a result which may only be owing to the lower " armbybrn we chances of secodary infection,with, HFT lysates. Of 58 syngenotes isolated as sings colonies, 13 (22 percent) were of Lp” phenotype. *hese syngenotes were made with different lysates preparations, amictasre dérived from different homogenctes, and there is no indication, as yet, of an association of Lp” clone formation with either a locus or a lysate preparation. . . h flue Ald The Lp clones described previouskp are carriers of a"defective" prophage ( Appleyard, 1954), but EYES plaque-forming lambda, in small quantities, may be obtained from them after irradiation with ultraviolet. The Lp” clones obtained TX8mx with HFT lambda have not given lambda after UV treatment, and differ from previously r -t 8 descrided Lp cultures ip segregating for Lp, yielding Lp . Thus they appear to la 8 +. .fr 3 +,_8 be syngenoctes of the form al” Ip”_//Gal Ip. Segregation yielés Gal-lp', or Gal Lp \ r haploid segregants. No non-segregating Ip clones have been observed. This last observation suggests that the lambda "defect# in these cases is with lysogenization as well as with production of plaque-forming particles. / apap Obvious segregation at Lp was not observed when Gal+ segregated from Lp* recipients, and it was not possible with these syngenctes toc relate the function of the prophage to the genetic material. Lp _//tp* heterogemts permit study of this relationship. If the chromosomal fragment is independent of the Lp 8 genotype, Lp segregant cultures may be hemogenotic. Gal+ reversions of segre ants from Lp _//tp* syngenotes were examined for their segregational behavior. Under ; yr GA conditionis HXAX where the ES¥EH reversion’ test indicated 23/23 Ip’, segregants g ~ to have been honogenotes, 0/11 Lp , sekregants were found haploid(tabdle|0), the Although it is net possible to determina adequacy of the data, the indicatéon is A * that the Lp’ allele has a centromeric function, that Lp probably does not, and y x : + that the Lp® allele cannot so function. Failure to obtain sagresation of the Lp allele in transductions to Lp* recipients may only be an indication that the heterogenotes studied are not the primary product of lambda-sensitive cell interaction. a3, (424 ie Table |[° Segregat ignal behavior of Galt+ reversions of Ly and Lp segregants E-periment Segregant Number of Number reversions Phenotype Rumber Reversions per segregant found segregating 287 Gal, Lp” 1 8 8 Gal,” Lp> 1 6 0 292 Gal,” Lp" 12 | 1 12 Gal, Lp® 3 1 0 Gal, Lp* 1 1 0 2928 Sal” Lp” 1 2 2 Gal, Lp” 3 1 3 Gal Lp*- 5 i 0 298 Gal,” Ip” 5 2 10 323 Gal 6 Lp™ 1 6 1 Cal” Lp® 1 2 0 ~~, 8 +, Pr Hferogenotes. 2873 Gal, Lo S/Gal, Lp + 8 & + Yr 292, 292A ,298; Gal, Gal, Lp S/tel, Gal, Ip tu - Ss ~ + B ° G 323; Gal,” “al” IpS// Gal,“Gal, Lp YBLIWITTIW } , Yadvd HdVSO NBOZLAIG W-IPe ‘ON ¥ ‘YEN NI 3aWW ‘O29 NaOZLAIG AN3IINF IN UL B.A PRINTED EUGENE DIETZGEN CO. GET ZGEN GRAPH PAPER -M $40 NG MILLIMETER ‘WCBS CONE 30vK “O93 N4aZL31I0 2N39N3S yadvd Y3SLIWITUIWw N3OZL31I0 W-IvE “ON Hdvig “ben v ge ic ——— (a= SEP. Go - 734 g =a le ie Gs) a — Pl 7723 M7 gy U3 1085 - vf re fo 70 a7 Ale mS Ho gO" 4 en 4a . a ya] oO, 6 “* an J 3S : rs po _— at $$ “TF na iat. lo a Do ae 7 _ re Lb zie Ef ori , ao a po. gol mn ie oo ts zh _# 1A i es of - - 43 yd [of a. oF (59.2 : ay ful 706 ve Par 1 # 7 ot OY ; ee ee WF (7 : é ERS 8 sy ~ ane _ hee “3 Sab . = Legh Har Bebucd a Krush, : ew 7 z ~ - | £6. Le “ 2 7 +h 4f a oy $2 : to ‘ ns ee 152 { , = : = a mtd aE to Fo! | ~ as is 39g ) war Le “397 86 397 — : : — 37h — : = 6-46 ‘ ca 13 , Yo Yoo ~ Wer | | Co ene th fom Foxe 3¥e Corea Ber Ww - PE. tance . : \ proce h se, ar 4 1S 3flEr G7 ae Musk ybiods [ 0.) we 0.7) Cothunee unl No geet Po Gat Crt + = oe 3 10 G Chas SiYpe 3 Joe9, — > + ly tng pte anes : bd a (+) HA Tabe-wy. ped: “You __ _— : a SM i 3axio-e yu a a : 5 672k <3xw-e S a : VUbL +-0 xio-* SH7F 3.0 xin ® a ae Ebi ope She ee ( Lion watt cubed a Shs J . 20x10" \ Cruces yin CMAN) Nee Dnwee eres ee Ma —6/o ter | Corhue watk ee Ns Gott Ce f 0 V7 3 CH) eed Eels Fiege ta _. $6 — __ _—— ee be loot Y xi? (rr. és . . bY ] 12499 | 1 X o-F | % vi 2h ¥ hed Oe DIE gSY fd (223 Yo | — G2) bq 12 (3) (0.08) el rt 2. t Lf f a 838 735x107 §.35x00" @ 5 0.602r/y bey W Fore Phptrsine A wheel . a \ aoe f- x (= Adin note peat oO. 1S fowl 4 ON ~ L- : a, 0. mk ju . ee bn 7 ae O38 her 22 yea” Oo SY 1 St 4. o as 6.3¥ (0.124) » 00 47 3ube% wevdt.- 0.34 - wens 10rd 3 / rol —tepem ee AM pot At Cutt Gut — TAA _ — ¥ = LL 344 6 ca PD ee . ; ~\ : az 43 a ¥ 744 beo % | _ - my . ; on { 374. 20 By key (2 cae oe [ & SL ; o le FD ed. 4.36 @.0%)- 0,030° 7. i ~ nn! ae ae Le _ 7 “SSK 7 Oo oO bo F ; ~ The pute rs “Because 1 _ “4 Dre selva, wea tak adn oat Clee ih Wp, Cus. $5 lant | $Ur-! yooh = hee tE [wink = orf Ny toth Get Gu bh bapa Pet | t 2 ° 6 ¥2 ~ ee | 5 HY oO. | au , —t/ “0 20 a ° L a a 3 5 ons € yerhy Papry pun 1740 ard seypIvy ) “_ . DINHIISVDOVINaS oa wanzasig aNaana BaeWd HdvNoD Nanz132IG Z1S1-Ore On + SOR ML Tore HOM! w3d SNOISIAG 21 x S304 © Defective Cale Segregants Heterogenote Number Lambda Sensitive Lambda Defective 292 2h 36 323 4 2 331 6 0 336 12 0 343 5 1 346 5 1 36 20 1 368 3 0 37h 9 0 382 5) 1 Misa 16 1 20 16 2 420A —2 wi Totals 143 h9 Meee 210) ont =e Gal; Ip* W750 Fraction Surviving le Sel Expt. 316 Procedure: 20 7.5 0.97° 1,12 172 Table 2 2/1/5u intreviolet, irradiation of HFT 2~, Iysate dihited 1-100 in XM), 0.1 m2. Sample removed and added to 10-ml, Pensasay. HFT 2~ stock = 2)3-1), nal~ derivative, Distance fron lamp, 50 om, UV Dose in Seconds Th aneraReeenittemmenramaprae ns s 2 B © ws we os 5 us am 10.5 17-3 22.7 21.8 23.4 2h.9 18.2 16.0 26.0 14.5 893 U3 63.8 714 53.6 os.g 79.1 69.9 71.7 58,9 6 28 39 Ww ww M5 3.00 O43 0.38 0.25 0.09 0,22 0.077 0.029 0.019 0.025 0,009 Aw ay No, of Trnsd, Tested No, Seg, % Seg. LpS Lp* Lp2 Bs Gene Types of Non-Segregating Gal+ ~ 7 Ip* ipt % 1p [oO oO 0 = Table 2 Analysis of Transduction on Gal, “Lp® Recipient 33 Ip Gene Types of Segregating Gal+ 6 UV Dose in Seconds rc arti CON AS 2 bs 18 18 1 0 6.0 0 1 = 1, 17 ) 0 2 1 88 9; 60 18 9 B 90 18 18 1 6 R R 4 17 i 0 0 0 9h 100 120 to 180 18 0 0 ‘VCS Oo ONI JaWW "O09 N39Z13IG 3N39N3F HON! 43d SNOISIAID ZI xk S3ngAD TIWHLIAVOOI-IWSS H3advd HdVYS) NAQZ13IO SiISI-ore 0 ‘ON tes Mima UV Dose in Lg sate Aebeid Dio) /-100 —~9 Olmwe Sangin fs bel Ca 10 tyne (2229 (789) | Pepe He - Ltelid HET Sait (attdnet-) FG HRP oat 2.7 ER bY dG “y N ~~ 4 ~f. oS ate NY > ~ Ww Cee ek a rate - joys 1K" 1330 SEE sR ~ ~ yor jes) SO A 8 rr 7 re - J 75% (x00 | 2) 2a 494 Sr HY P07 / 2307 [-30 ss ¢ -2 —2 a 3 3 ee eee eee TD | Ba BS BAT SSG SIE ~ 3d . Vipin /rsto txt \ 74 188 347 ser FATS 9™ 3¢/ au? ) 3s 23 _ _ Jest) ixetfas weip Hyg hw ARE Le ; eT OF 17 C3e ap - SCOK SO04 set Yt 234% le 7 | om Tb (009 16.4 ne Gy ar — - , i ie P9892 9 2s -no [he pheots 4. vt 4 Sens-ns| Is aslo ns 25” Lls-ths Uf5- as cs fe hate hero Ft spt fo to |r-*! 0 7 dee 1d weve oe Oo . repbeekm 8 pb. he 9 las vlad fed ahisy lar SiS, jr 74 Ay, ™\ f50 oF ° ee 1 TT | | WT rth . oth sptpent | estar lal= l= b- [=| (ANS | vee | oe [a8 [an | — @ 3 47 Os ° 39,7 3e6& FIS,, a7] 6 — pow is| 49s 77 & 2Pr Gr, rg ae “he f oe Tk ae B59- BSA -3SIB Jf Picke —f fot Eudo | 3 | i | 1 \ { ' ! 1 | i | i | | \ ' i | | ! ! i I i | : } i ‘ i + | weg gee 4 A dip Ufo o a _Netun ‘~ =? | | oar « nng A 3 moe 42 {he _It __._ 109 byt ate” | Evpt . 3 "oy [sf Proce duste . Uthanudet trroducghins of er ~ Cysake du luted [100 we D(m) Ord us S aang les re mee d Gud Added tO [Ome Pern ossee. HET 2- stele = att -id : Wol— ey ivahx . Diskiee Aw, laup , SO cur. “ash UU Dese iw. Secasdy Jyasa. . los~ 9350 AMEE! ° 5 30 0 60 7S 90 3m FF EB ee Be IFO Kt02 08 TO TT me Gol Lp> a SS. 7 OK ITE ART ahh 2H BAF By MO M0 TAS W224 GDL p67 rho 18¥ 29.9 192.4 ORR Hj S36 WE 729 O17 UT SEF WwW 78d oy J Plagues xt - Fraction —> Pecks. ‘ . ‘Suvyiving fa O97 Af O4F OFF (9-28 O10T O.1f 0.077 0.024 0.019 g.01F 0.005 . a —_— J atk 2 . OT Aysdys ti oF Fetes daactreins mm Got ~ Le’ (2 cpt UU Dote wo Seems No. of ° t& — 30a a bo 7s 9D g 180, +5 (Fo Trad. teed, -_ a 7 - » ) 1s iP ee ie if ie ‘s No. Sey” oO 6 / @ Z 4. | 6 % Se 4 as 33 6-0 o 6 6 6 oO aw PE naga Gre + me)” Y _— — _ — —_ —_ - lp _ c f — wm 1: eS! rn “9 Coven Aryees cf Warr Vg res attri Col f- Lr? _ 7 1 . 7 ab ‘¢ + 47 — 4p* ~— zi oO o 6 f oO — op 3 2 ( a ° > | tit. sq. 3st 348° | Procedure: Ul haw tt (weds ohrun i HET VO anda lubed lysate Ww Pearson Ditvivce = SO ew. — Brod ahi, a gem dos Ly 4B we vdlume | Cetet /0 wl Samp reanad at Ya ry | times. - HFT 7 she de = wy 3007 Assous D Claguas ou 8B 5 ~ WIS w2740 Dose 7 © 4 z 3 _ = _& 10° plogues Jk Gisot eS QL | e.7 . ST 03> “ond Trecha Tauvuiving : fe 0.7% os o-.53 ; 0.35 : 0.0/9 8. 007 a @Trousducls oB gol wa. fal cub heses oo: ee ., Recipemt Cobo Silt 0 Sto eh SF = _& -, Gey te wrsso (3) 107 ee SC (2) 107 gee BD SHE ORG SBD BRS Gar he, weir po? 3.3 SF bs - - .> — 2770 (0? BP 9. & - oo ~ —— . @) to’ =. Hb 3.5 Yr an ~ 3 2.7 Gets W234! wt BS ~~ ~ as-3 00 7 7 Ga, be Ww7s 1D” (Ob aD SD S.4 &-9 9.8 Ff Coke W2307 4-20 s t -1@ ~2 2 3 3 @ MM vclus Given howe been cowected tw S pry wens reverts of Mu wud’ cokw wtitnn. Ta fre Gilegy m WLI07 Figures Glue Gre papillac on lyse dddihir plot. — sprtauens rversucs g cpiilae . Nowe of frese peplles Word Che Ack fr Gok Grbese stololihy . (Gy Trea sdireny be! Gaye ref Cerys Teed | | | ! Nowe> FO oo 2 3 lot a & fe lpt 7 ° ° 4 ° oh, it 72¢ q| it Fe F ° ° Y Us ° L tt oo & £00 700 Bigs bff Joo 1¢ ae & ju ° ° were fs | Ova detes fo Gat byt Rectpens Wwrseo Miuaher beg bed Mo. Let No. 04. No. Net. Seq No. ¥. Rev, i Saucgle UV- Dore (wie) ° 2¢ ut if 6 9.& mi 24 uy (1 S { 8) Prada of fhe btusduchay pvedacced wih. lambda iwradtotd of sauaiibes, surwel 2 9.0X00~, (fF dHerewt Aausdutrar duakjieh abut 7 Sea req Guts bon Coed beled Ge le qoute and Gre artlele - Nu wile 7 bas ds Cuda adhe Eves eu vee Povey la dyace _fevown'y sey, gotten Let Lp" bet be® a ZF ? °o o o °o ° of G ° °o °° ° 2 @ Oo °o ° / ° f Ss g ° ° o o / G e ( oO Oo o . * / 3 / 0 o o / s” 0 ° 0 ° / 6 / ** ° oO Oo o t sf / ° ° / 6” ° ° 1 a thin Jeg. : 10 colonies refestea. Ail found Lp er ee awe be ome of These Sey reg anty geo slight lysis of be” tester gave slry Gt byes of bps fester, Shreaked out aud . ‘ A a bhree d th t-de sheds “A ut -4- wre chan os were ft’ fvaned Ow & re a ond Vom’ Ww yet she all tw. trausdudam plore, en Wor ols strenked on B are : obiente oh eames ee ey MME Fo oars pene ST aay Etpt 354 - 34h - 3r4B | fi fosm Prackyet of the taniduchrinn Pomel oir W'd (yee. be Mair tune Q number ot & ph oarerut vertu of Pee widicahws wee et auind Gu fouuk stable fv galore fermevttnin Oud unchtupet fr lambda peach. eget Lp guy pes gute dukvmined Ba fese Ae Otust bute Laub de t G berabha cnuthe HAAPe ewlhre , Thase kb AY rans dace os fo God Le” W2790 (Sr Sequqahuy us = Wt Sequegahug ) iA | UJ Dee oF IF 2 2 |. tf |_S & _ No. tush. ekamiied . —> zt 2% 23 2¢ ug 2¢ 4 Wo: fs PP Fuss. Fus | eas | ins dtus | ta dtu a bpt oo? o™ bur oo _ fee BS 8 ° y “3s ; Ls c ; ~ Le® > }12 5s IF SF Is ts Is a) —_ “ an las | ns Ions yr Sy oka neous reuevs ous \ G.6 7? A vag liqula > = Pe seul (iu Sau ple @)Tromduchia to Dad, lp W291 W Dok © | 2 3 Uf 7 6b No. CLormined ——-F Se oF ¢7 Na. Lev o Bas B8as. Let bs 2s ° 2us Lp 28 s 31s 6S tus t as Sag veg aby t7 se 10 / 2 0 0 « wt sesredaliy a + Go V3 2r zy Tg 7 7s : 44 73 Vt ¢ 7 o o Introduction fhe trans’er of genetic material between bacterial cells by temperate Salmonella and for Corynebacterium thee . In eah of these cases the transduction of genetic factors simely - bactephages has ‘een shown for certain has deldemonatratd. This mechansism of gentic recombination is in contrast with thcomlete saual mechanism of recombination in which the whole genetic materialof the cellparticipates at ane time. The study of these two mechhuisms and thed interrelatonship is difficult in biological systems in which only one has beenfywnd to oprate. The present report summarizes a study of EB. coli K-12 . where the ndependen oceurrence of sexual recombination ( Tatum and Lederberg, 1947) and fransductie recombination has been denoptrated.