Ib © of the traneduction clone. The galactose positive reversions of these segregants are stable. A charactersitic HFT culture has been obtained for each galactose uagt negative as well as for wild type. These cultures were isolated initially by making lysates of random segregants from heterogenic transductions and assaying the lysates or the appropriate cells. This method is laborious and inefficient. To assist in the isolation a nore rapid method was devised. Random segregantZ colonies were picked to small volumes of water or broth and a samples of each suspension were then spotted on an EMB galactose plate spread with cells suitable for the detection of the HFT culture desired. The plate upmkked was given a small doee of UV (about 10-20 seconds at 50 cm froma Sterilamp) and incubated for 24 hours. At the end of this time HFT cultures were usually detected by the raised welt of galactose positive growth where lambda produced by the induction and lysis of the HIT culture had transformed bacteria of the background film of growth. _ The incidence of HFT galactose negative emkutezx cultures ig not high. Of 67 segregants tested, 7 wére found to be capable of HFT lysates, The true frequency might be higher than this, since gurified segreganfs were examined and there was opportunity to pick .FT segregants from originally HFT clones. Cultureskux giving HFT lyeates that are pure for a particular galactose negative allele are suitable for allelffin teste of unknown gelactose negative cultures by the cross brush method. @ v Experiments with lysates giving a high frequency of transduction Although the HFT lysates have not yet been obtained with phage titers comparable to. Mrs lysates the titers have been sufficient for transforming a large fraction of a cell population exposed to them. The largest fraction of transformation observed thus far has been 12.5. percent of exposed cells, but in most experimexts the fraction has been between l and 5 percent. _ The use of HFT lysates has permitted the study of several problems not attackable with NT lysates. One of these is the relationship of trans- duction to lysogenigation with the phage lambda. Another problem is that of the interaction of Gal, and Gal,. Both of these problems will be dealt with in the next sections. With pre lysates, transduction was experimentally feasible ag X only whan a galactose phenotype is generated that can be sdlected from a galactose negative background. HFT lysates, permit the detection of galactose negative segregants from transductionsg clones derived from galactose positive recipant cells. Traneductions in this sense have facilitated further studies of the interaction of the galactose loci with the Lp locus, “8 The relationship of lysogenization to transduction | By exposing cultures of Lp” celle to HIT lysates, diluting, and then plating on galactose medium to obtain isolated colonies it is possible to study the behavior of individual cells with regard to suet transduction and lysogenization activities. Table if shows the results of an experiment in which 1.1 percent of a cell population was transformed after exposure to a HFT lysate. The second portion of table 14 gives the phage reactions of the galactose positive (transductions) and galactose negative colonies derived from cells exposed to the HIT lysate. All of the transductions were lysogenised or converted to the Lpe state while the non-transformed colonies were either phage sensitive or 4 contaminated with phage. carries These results suggest that lambda f@ the transducing activity. could be argued However, under the experimental conditions employed it ia=pesebbte that the transductions are the resultz of the action of two entities. The would first, which,actg upon the cells and makes them "potential" transductions, and the second, lambda, which in the process of lysogenizing the cells, would sometimes > opi & , so many phage tontacts to res uit m convert@ them to actual transductions. In order for transduction} +o-he—— ° ? A ( V3 Q 3%) obeenrcd=at- | hypothesis, the "potentiating" agent would have preseat “th about —— -: Overs . to be tie-opder-of ten-fold te excess ef, lanbaa./' Et might be-argwed that because Gir kukke theoxperinent sarecorted—in—tarvke=24) onty-ubeet—ere- thist of=mthe—leambaameell—eentecte=became t rerniuctions=thet the ratio - of the "petentiatingll_sgemt -to iembia was wet bth. ebe-would-not—necessarity pe meré = ae aud w hick culfures we ve mee! “ slow posibwe | , trul wees “" celecked, Tet galachse porthwe Nansduchms are wel reads ly oe DI s6USSION The xaux results presented above can be placed in an orderly fashion by the following scheme. When lysogenic cells are exposed to ultraviolet radiation and the prophage is induced to form mature phage, on rare cccasions a fragment of the bacterial chromosome is included within a phage particle. When thie particle injects its genetic material into another bacterial cell, the fragment is also injected and if the recipient bacterial cell has the proper genetic constitution the presence + of thie extra genic material is made obvious. The—frapnent—renains—within ‘ + The allotypic fragment usually persists at cell ditision, so that segregating clones can be maintained indefinitelyyin mass culture. At least two additional events are inferred: (1) diploid crossing over leading to reorganized digenotes. Since these may be hetepogenic or homogenic, a Four oper sea strand (or more) stage is implied. (2) seergetion eccurs leading to ctieter ne heplogencte, the state typical of E. coli. The fate offthe fragment is unknown, Crossover haplogenotes (amphitypes) have also been isolated and may represent either a third process, or the first two in sequence ( ef Pontecorvo, 1954). Since heterogenotes give HFT lysates, the fragment or a replica of it, is assumed to have a high probability of incorporation in the phage obtained by UV induction. The low yields suggest a burst of one phage particle, a reversal of transduction. | From this description it is evident that the genetic transfer is intimately associated with the process of lysogenization and lysogenicity. Concerning the process of lysogenization in K-12 little is known beyond the fact that cell and phage interact, there is a period of indecision, amd the Oa infected bacterium either dies or generates a clone containing lysogenized cells. Once lysogenicity is established the capacity to produce phage behaves as a nulcear gene that is closely linked with a number of loci controlling galactose fermentation. - The rire step in the scheme is the inclusion of a fragment af sum within a phage particle. In Salmonella the fragment is a random , section of the cell's genetic material, but in E. coli K-12, it is m quite specific, for only a restricted group of loci are transduced by lambda. Again in contrast to Salmonella, "lytic" lambda is incompetai/widt in transduction. This may reflect an inherent difference between lytic and UV induced phage. In the establishment of lysogenicity the genetic material of lambda enters the cell and adsociates itself in some way with a specific region of the bacterial genome, In the induction process it is presumably ‘emerges from its place and starts to mitiply. Transduction could be gccounted for by some latitude in the separation of the galactose loci from the prophage linked to them, and their common bnelusion in some nature phage particles. The close genetic proximity of the galactose loci would suggest their increased liklihood of gnclusion, but there is no closely necessity makquiness§ genes be also spatially close to one another. : CBT wa VET) ‘There are two ‘types,of culture in which » tranpductng particles , ere formed and it ts Legitinate to ask whether the two are ‘different phenonens « or tex nerely quanti tetvely, disterent aspects: of a a single phenomenon. The evidence for a unitary process is negative in patugg. tat ies. no difference have voen noted vetween HFT lysates and art lysates, . YF he Lalita ated vee hens except possibly the higher incidence of tradetustions, “ath, Lp", react . with the former, This exception, if it be one, “gould itself de oxplpines on ‘the basis of quantitative differences between the two lysates. of tue = ent ta, of transducing particles in cultures giving | tr Saysates has not passed beyond the Preliminary stage. The evidence thus > mest et why far suggests that ee PTE of the cells yleld transducing particles The defeveunahin of “With ant that the yield per eel), ial pot large. wa regard to athe frequency of cells oat tting transducing activity it should be noted that cul tures _ , started fron a single colony with HP! property may contain #8 much as hie Se Sacgshm 30 percent of cells wlth MFT proper ty “* Mipeaees| gehe aes a” Doge The Saataeme of ‘the lysates: of segregating hgerosygous is @Alactose posit2ve clones indicates that the fragnent preferentially fg Lpoluded within the phage particles, oo - Presumably exchange between = Cadalse’*"™ gee fragnent ant intact chromo sone joscury mah that instead of giving lysates predominately allotypic in character, idiotypic lysates are obtained, The exchange ia sufficinetly rare, however, that observation remains cbjeative in nature. The nature of the association of the fragment with the infective phage particle is not known. Presumably the material ts within the phage membrane since it is not attacked by desoxyribomuclease. The availability - of lysates in which she most of the phage pabticles have activity (HFT lysates) or have no activity (NFP lysates) suggests that morphological comparisons might possibly be made via electron micrsocopyof intact BEAES PRELTGI“S or disrupted phage particles. The fragment enters the bacterial cell in company with the prophage, by analogy with 12, probably by the injection process (Hershey and Chase,1952). The association of the fragment with the prophage in transduction to lysogenic cells cannot be stated in the absence of phage markers, since it is not possible to distinguish between the previously carried and the newly enstered prophage. The carriage of more than a single prophage by cells of E, coli K-12 has been reported by Appleyard (1954) and it is likely that the transductions of lysogenic recipient cells are also carrying more than a single prophage. In only one instance, from more than 250 segregations studied, has segregation from a transduction of lysogenic cell resulted in a change at Lp. In this case an idiotypic segregant became Lp®, and this might have been a spontaneous "mutation", . In the transductions to Lp® recipient cells the associatéon between transduckng prophage and fregnent is possibly better seen, These transductions are of two kinds, Ip” and Lp’. All/segregants from Lp* clones have been lysogenic. On the other hand, Lp" transduction clones segregate Ip" /Lp* as well as Galt/Gal-. The incidence of Lp® Gal- idiotypes supports the notion that these loci are linked. In considering the rekationship of the fragment to the rest of the’ genome no specific statements can be made with regard to its perpetuity in the heterogenic clone. One would depend upon its possession of a functional centromere, so that it would behave as a small autonomous chromosome, or the fragment would be attached to the homologous chromosome attachment segment, either intersitially or terminally. Either, position presents difficulties for crossing over, and the fragment as a separate chromosome #,.20ems more plausible. | . In the above sections the results have been treated and discussed ‘dn ogeneral way. It is obvious that the study of this transduction system has only begun and that many experiments and intereéting observations will be made before the problem is completely understood, It is proposed to investi~ gate lambda transduction further along the following lines. 1. ‘Whether the production of transducing activity in aFT cultures is related to the interaction of radiation and cells, or is the result of a matation\ Like event in the cell poputation. 2. The production of transducing particles in HF? lysates. 3. The action of radiation on transducing particles and the possibility of inducing mtations. 2 @ 6. Farther studies on crossing over between fragment and idiotypic > loci using additional markers. 7, The relationship between lysogentsation and transduction, ank between lysogenization and crossing over. 8. Estimation of the gene order of the transduced loci and their xet relationship to other mapped loci, 9. Study of the biochemical steps controlled by the various loci gud the fexxeuxtzi fermentation of galactose. 4. The detection of other loci within the transduced region. Syngam ae 5. fhe bahavior of the fragment transduced during | meiosis, SUMMARY A cluster of loci in Escherichia coli K-12 was found previously to control ‘the fermentathon of galactose. Lyeogeni city for the temperate bacteriophage, lambda, was also found to be closely linked to these loci in crosses. The phage lamkda now has been fqund to transduce these loci, as can be readily demonstrated by mixing lysates of galactose positive cultures with galactose negative cells on a selective medium, EMB galactose agar. / The transductions result in clones that are heberogenic, that is, they are diploid for a small region of chromosome. The small fragment of chromosome transduced appears to have a functional centromere, and is perpetuated within the clone even after many single colony isolations, but it may on some occasions be lost. While in the cline #t has been found to eresnorer with its hoftologous region, On some Occasions at least, at a four strand stage. Each of the new phage particles formed in lysates of hetergenotes has a high probability og containing set—owky—o-deeguent, wet the fragment iemth.tee—casmemey carried in the heterogenic clone. A position effect on the expression of two of the transduced loci has been observed. Dtheterogenotes of Gal, and Gal, are not phenotypically galactose positive in the trans positiong, but are so,in the cis. 4d ese BIBLIOGRAPHY Alexander, H. E., and G, Leidy 1951 Determination of inherited traits of H. influenzae by desoxyribonucleic actd fractions isolated from type specific cells J. Exp. Med. 93, 345-359 Alexander, H. E. and Redman 1453 ‘ Chante ta , ty af Mening 9c? ch, t . Therionc ryge weaucl of Ce peafe eniPacks canteoning desonriboruclel ve - qed. fh test ved ag 1941- wot Eppleyard, R. K. 1954 Segregation of new lysogenic types during growth of a doubly lysogenic strain derived from Escherichia coli K-12 Genetics 39, 440-453 Atchley, W. A. 1951 Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol, XVI, 441 (Discussion of Lederberg et al) Austrian, BR. 1952 Bacterial transformation reactions Bact. 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Delbrick 1951 Mutual exclusion between an infecting phage and a carried phage J. Bact. 62, 301-318 Zinder, N.D. and J. Lederberg 1952 Genetic exchange in Salmonella J. Bact. G+, 679-699 Table 16 The transmission of heterogenicity in crosses parental elle ; Prototrophic recombinante Zz ¥F G + & - Galo=(}) Galy- tp* 1" abcut 6000. Galye ip’ al,=(2) sue 99 * unstable for galactose fermentation, 6 galactose negative segregants tested were Gal ~ ** 25 of 30 examined were unstable for galactose fermentation. One segregant from each of the 25 was tested, all were Galo~. (1) contrel platings showed the ratiox of (+)/(~-) in this culture was 109/57 (2) control platings showed the ratio of (+)/({-) in this culture was 115/13 25 Gok” bp® GoLt Let 324 } 757 (aprox) Gar t te Gol. ig? 107 (ppror.) Table 1 Principal cultures Wisconsin Stock Number Ge mtype* W518 rou Lac,- Gal,- Lp® + + W750 FPF M- Lac,- Galj- Lp W811 FY Lac,- Gal,- Lp’ + w902 F- T-I-B)~ Hal,- Gal,- Lp + W1210 F M- Lac,~ Gal,- Lp’ W1436 F’ 2-L-B,- Lac,- Gal,~ Lp* s° W1924 FT Mu Lac,- Gal,- Lp™ W2175 Fr’ Gal,- Lp* W2279 F* M-Lac,~ Gal,- Lp® + W2281 F M- Lac,~ Gal,- Lp® *Genotypic symbols reger to the following characters, (1) Compatibility status, F (2) Nutritional requirements; M, methionine; T, threonine; L, leucine; By» thiamin {3) Fermentation reactions; Lac~, lactose negative; Gal-, galactose negative; Mal-, maltose negative (4) Phage reaction; Lp”, lambda sensitive; Lp’, lambda lysogenic; Lp, lambda resistant, but not overtly lysogenic. (5) Drug resistance; S, streptomycin Table 2 Recombination between the various ig? Galactose loci Ww wo Minimum Number of Percent Galactose Gross Prototrophic Recombinants Fermenting Recombinants FiGal,- X F Gal,- (1) 1500 0.13 (2) 6517 0.06 * (3) 3603 0.03 “ 11620 0.06 — ¥’ Gal,- xX ¥ Gal,- 4588 0.13 ¥ FY Galy- xX F Gal,- 2654 0.23 FY Gat, = W750 . E- Gx2, - W150 (aevalhm phenocopy) Fo God,- Wier Ft Gely” = weil wsig wit3e Table 3 on /48) \ Observations on lambda lysate transductions Locus Number of experiments 1. Leci not transduced Lacy (serine or glycine) Leucine Methionine \ we y Streptomzcin Xylose Proline 4 Ww r- WwW ~ ro 9 l(lytic lambda) 2 1L Cultures involved w112 W1678 W1736 ,W1436" 58-161 ,W811 ,W1821 W518” wi821° w51st W1692,W1920 ,w2062° 42062" W2331 ,W23478 W2071 23079 2, Loci transduced Gal, { We ate As Gal, ( gs . Gal, Gal¢ (Footnotes table 3 continued) f- lytté’ lambda grown on M~ culture g- lysate of prototrophic HFT Gal h- lysate of prototrophic HF? Gal 2. 2 culture culture W750, W2279 ,W2280 ,W2373 W1210 ,W2175 ,W2281 W2297 W518, W811 ,W1821 ,W1436 ,W1924 w2070 oe ey Ww) Table 4 The interaction of lysates ani cells of falactose negative cultures Recipient has ‘ay Galy- Gal,~ Wild ‘as pH aes Bet 2 : hel Art Gal fr (2) e196 43 - (2) 2 2 - - 40S Galo- = (1) Us 52 lL 43 - (2) 20 - 10 - 356 Gal,- (1) 89 - 202 - - (3) 59 85 - - 417 (3) 4? - - 30 394 *“ The no added lysate plate which represents the number of spontaneous reversions occuring on the plate. The remaining figures are the mmbers of papillae occuring on the plates per 0.1 ml of lysate , added, Table 5 Restoration by reverse mation of the ability So transduce previously non-transducible lock celle (int Reversilo lone uyeate Reversion Gai, M4 = Gal, (1) 0 eves Gala~ Gal,” (2) 10 96 Gals” (2) 6 552 Gal,,- Gat,” (5) 39 204 Gal,” (8) ' 25 291 *number of papillae per plate, 0.1 ml of lysate pleted, Table 6 The necessity of of lambda adsorption for transduction n¢ bbe? a Plate, Addubun- Recipient | ’ i Oipptiee Cells (L ___ Hone Wild type Lu Ses Gal)- 8 1 426" r | 1 2 Galp- 4 20 356 r Ww 14 Gal,,- 8 / 89 296 ¥ «50 57 *xumber of papillae per plate, 0.1 ml of lysate plated at sc ROned-+- Darmeabet | nr fearbda -2 Nroltict. pone dt wt dane atu lok da oy Aomubde -¥ _ Bable fe The actiln'ot Ivtteally aom lambda, Plabe obbctur Experiment Recipient Lp Rial: cells Allele ___ None Lytic lambda Place titer 228 Gal,- + 3 2" 2.4 x 1020 Galo~ + 9 8 Gal, - 8 9 8 239 Gal, + 2 o 2.4 x 10°C Galy- + 6 2 Gal,- 8 13 8 254 Gal,- 8 - 6e* 2.4 x 10°4 Gal,~ + - Bae Gal,- 8 - | ore Galy- 8 - 6 Gal), + - 39% 280 © Gal,- + 0 Que 6 X 107 Gals- + 1 266 Gal,- + 14 10** *Papillae per plate, o.1 ml lysate plated. Lysate prepared by growing Gal,~ lambda (UV inducticn) on a gelactose fermenting culture. ®*Thege papillae picked and streaked on EB galactose medium and found stable for galactose fermentation, Table 8 The specific activity of lysates of the transduction clones Recipient Transéucing Titers + Cell lysate fransductions on Lp assay cells P/T* Plaques Gal,- Galo- Gal,,- Gal, - wild type 5.8 x 108 2.4x106 1.8x 107 1.3 x 107 32 Gal,- Gal,~ 7.22109 1.2x10° 1.0 x 108 - 60 Gal,- Gal ** 2? x10° 1.8x10° 63x10 = - Gal ,- Gal,- 6.2.x 108 4.3x107 1.5 x 108 - 4D Gal,,- Gal;- 11.5 x108 5.0x107 7.5 x10° 74x10? 8 2 Galy- Gal,- 9 7.9 x 10? 2.5210? 2,8 x 10° “ 29 * Ratio of plaques to transductions, the maximum transductign titer observed is used for this estimate. Usual ratio P/f is about 10 - *® A second isolation, The occurrence of q Table TS stable transductions Recipisnt Lys2tea cells mfg Wild type Galy- Gal - Gal =_ ceo * o/c 0 7 PC Cc if %8C C TF Galj-Ip® 38. 2 34 - = = U/l 2 NL 30/2 1 29 Lp’ 46/1 1 2 - - = S/1 1 4 27/1212 27 Lp* 143/1 1 42 - - - 9/1 1 0 - = = Galo- Lp® 46/0 0 15 214/00 27 = = = 98/0 0 & upt 208/17 17 21 83/4414 61 - == 79/1 4 52 Ip’ 23/4 4 6 65/2 2 0 - = = S65 5 0 Bal,- Lp* 835/19 19 383 «= 72/29 29 72 492/11 11 20 - - - Lp? 573/41 42133 (96/51. 5196 ee - -- Lp” 320/31 31 127 - = = 238/31 31 50 ~ - - * Papillae transduction plate/ papillae control plate. T = transduction plate, 0 = control plate ** Corrected for sample taken, stable obs. X Papillae transd, plate galactose fermenting papillae. sample size’ With the exception of the T/C column, numbers given are number of stable