WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY CLUEVELAND 6, OHIO SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DEPART Carpe MENT OF MICROBIOLOGY September 16, 1952 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr, Lederberg: In keeping our departmental stock culture collection, we have, in general, lyophilyzed our cultures and gone through all the attendant fuss and bother. JI understand that you have been preserving most of your cultures and, particularly, the various mutants and segregants that you have on silicalgel. I should imagine that this is a much simpler procedure where a,plicable and I wonder if you would be willing to give us details on the method as you use it, Also we'd appreciate any information you have as to the types of organisms with which this method has been used. With best regards, Sincerely yours, (I. 0. Lampen em JOL: jm