HEADQUARTERS CAMP DETRICK FREDERICK. MARYLAND 29 October 1954 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: I have been asked to attempt to organize a symposium on "Contributions of Microbial Genetics to some Problems of Epidemiology" for the 1955 SAB meeting which is scheduled for May 8-12 in New York City. I believe that a discussion on the potential significance of newer in- formation in the field of microbial genetics to epidemiological problems would be quite stimulating, even though actual experimental evidence for the significance of some of these phenomena in vivo is so far admittedly quite meager, 1 would visualize a symposium of this type as a series of, I hope, constructive speculations based on experimental data in vitro and, if avail- able, in vivo which shculd be reviewed to a sufficient extent to give the non-specialist some idea about the phenomena that are being discussed. Nat- urally, in discussing any epidemiological problem the role of the host cannot be minimized, but I thought that for the purpose of this particular symposiun, we could restrict ourselves to a discussion of potential changes in the para- site population. It seems to me that the following speakers and titles might best serve this purpose: (1) Braun, W. "Bacterial population changes (mutation and selection) and epidemiology." (2) Garber, 2. or Burrows, T. "“Auxotrophy and epidemiology" (Garber has some interesting new data on this subject.) (3) Hotchkiss, R. or nustrian, R. "Transformation and epidemiology." (4) Lederberg, J. “Recombination and transduction in relation to epidemiology." (5) Bryson, V. or Wyss, 0, "Epidemiological considerations based on studies of antibiotic resistance." Please let me know as soon as possible whether you would be willing to participate in such a symposium and whether you have any additional suggestions regarding organization, speakers and topics. Should you be willing to Dr, Joshua Lederberg 29 October 1954 participate, and I sincerely hope so, I would suggest that all of us exchange, at an early date, a very brief outline of material to be covered, so that we might avoid overlapping discussions. With Lest personal regards, Sincerely, f ew? WB/bsp WERNER BRAUN F.S. How long is Cavalli going to stay in Madison? J would very much like to have him visit us for a couple of days on his way back East, if he can arrange to do so.