L. — April 11, 1954 Dear Werner: I had hoped to find some opportunity to see you Friday when I was at Betheeda, but my time was tec short. Anyhow, I had brought along the E. coli culturea you had written te Zether about, but failing a chance to leave them directly with you, I left them with Louis Baron at Walter Reed Hospitak to be forwarded to you during the next few daye. The cultures are described on the enclosed shipping tickets. We hepe to see you next week at Oak Ridge, Yours sincerely, Joahua Lederberg P.Se I hope that Moralea executed hie promise to send you notice of my visit. The audience at the NYRI war not congzenie] to a detailed account: you may be interested to hear of sore recant finiings on the possible role of gene products in "abortive transductione’ pf motility, as I an preparing to discuss at the Oak Ridge meatings,