7 76 — tants ovratebte WE3 er wut 1424, 2 Cys “Hae W we : | ae 7 Lealonly Davis. Hist weds wes «iT : YT Tao Tye | 9 Mist MT bey ! 448 CystV > 1473-75 Ma 2 : oy | | { WE. y 4207 193Y 14630 Leu ——+ ak Tey, ya7 Pee , WYSE Peek | ya Peek Tay oY Heth Mss 1956 Ay 5743 oo ban OP Wy 459 : ys ‘Toy ~> 460 +1966 Lee (see ler - ) me Nob- lata (- 84) | not fetta, —> IMT, -31 lac- JL “4 . : | *® (sep bt ) hate Prdadt : . wrett pa t ; ‘ : } : ; : : : i i : : i i i : i ! : : 4 i : i t i i { ! i t i wé-G WIdG56.. 495 ws ——-? , | ies , ATH Casts Poe 997 Cyst Hyp. M7 ow AYGB be WEF CAb2 lac- . 15094 Park on Tyr | 150s” Ty, 1506) PR : "507 Hist ot Perf. WEI0 WigatA aoa WITT ath fact 8/878 heat . WA0a2r . (WIR024 Dupe —> WRO QS Syaens +? Ww. KT Thamsen . isolation of biochenica - masents 4 wy se Lutents 1 were “isolated from Stock cultures of (ye IG 10) and \cultures were grown in comrlete medium without either aeration or subsequent irradiation. ijashed cells were incubated in minimal medium, to whieh various amounts of penicillin (100, 150 and 200 units rer ml regnpectively) were added. By using the replicdéd plating technicue, mutants were isolated in 4 experiments. Experiment Stock le WG 10 Le ir 10 Be WG 15 4, Wo 10 lveineless (mutant 7) Biochemical mutants - histidineless Leoleucine-valineless - methionineless - lvsineless U @ tb ' - iseleucine-velineléss - lysineless - histidineless lysinelese Ga fay fe Rs ' } i) 1 S52 all prolineless FLX - diauxetronh Lysineless and unknown factoz Subsequent testing indicated thet the following were stable mutentse Others were discarded as repeated isolates of the came mutation or for other reasons. \ A, - histidineless ee a es ~ en + “bY + isoleucine-velineless ~ De. - lysineless ij E - isoleucine-valineless NJ - lysineless H - lysineiess... o oy a : \ le vate 24.- prolinélese [WS °* ) PLY - diauxetreph so? 5 lysineless 4 unknown factor. ate ht WG Mutants and Crosses A description of all WG mutants made will be found on ¢ seperate sheet. The first number given the mtant is the one undgr which the mutant can be found in my notebook; the second number given is the W number, The chart indicates which mutants were obtained in the same experiment and the number in parent@thes indicates the experiment number in my notebook. All mutants were selected by the penicillin method. Sp indicates that the mutants selected had arisen spontaneously; U.V. indicates that mutants were induced by means of ultraviolet light. Four seperate attempBs to put a marker other than histidineless or prolineless on W1895_ ? failed. The following crosses were made between WG strains: Strain WGs Crossed Mutants used Golonies/Plate WGLL ii x 13 see under WGL3 WG12 12x 12 1865 x 1868 ca 10 12 x K12 1868 x 58-161 ca 50 1868 x 1177 ca 30 12 x 3 1365 x 148 0, 2 1868 x 1448 ea 5 12x44 1863 x 1445 1, 2 12x13 see under WG13 WG13 13 x 13 1901 x 1902 1 to 6 13 x 12 1902 x 1868 ca 200 13 x Kil2 1902 x S11 6 to 10 13 x 11 1902 x 1883 2, 0, 0 1902 x 1915 1, 6, 0 1902 x 1834 2, 0, 3 1882 x 1353 1, 0, 0 ise2 x 1915 0, 0, 0 1332 x 1884 0; 0, 0 « U. G° WE | sp v L714] x _ We Hu -3 ” wet! > W1S9 W IPT TH REON HIST. Use. pee Lratsy] 74be WElI~3/ WwIl88 3 WwiBEy THREON JHIST. HNsT/ METH MI ST/ Gal WGI2 sf Li 4 2] . eos | _ WIZ Ss Wi6-/2~¢ 1 WElI2-3 ot IH 1063 W064 WEIL widb/ w 1hb2 TRYP AROMATIC W/E G0 PROL LEVC v cys Letay] yer yy UY. / { { 7 SC 4 W6-12-4B2 W612-483 en-au C l 2 Wwl8bS wW/B66 wee 7 Wen-SCl We IeST sb c Ev/AIs LEUC/TRYP Gi2- ~ 6 12- Leve/pao, — LEvC/HIST w/068 w 1880 WwiP@ > TRYP/AIST TRYP/PROL — TRYP/SER Gey C. WG 13 ae SP Zz 1 Lia] \ [146 )] WG13-6 | es As W6IRA/3 ibyans wPb9F WGI3A! HIST. AROMATIC LEUC + PROL 7s | se [v. Vv. peP ¢ . ve lias] [14l6a))} (ess yy WG6B-6/ W613-62 W 6IBAI W 6/3A4/ w/80/ W IBZ wos Witbe a PROL/MIST PRoL/? LL. /A/ST LEvt/PROL. ~ (w1775) “4, = vibec Pitas 1 4 | a “wih The” W 2047 $pee | NN wet ole”, warn yok? wrisy WUE W5 ZY Poston, 3-0-8 poer™ f pen. spot / fe. _ . s2204 (a, pto—) ———F 2267 (jete + fast ~) 6/2265 (a.57) ——P 2268 (ag: tw) LI12266 (fst) > warcg Chest”: Laue) Wg 26 PD Skaa, 3-/2-) [sro + pen YW sports Pe W 22702 Cleac-) > 6/2273 ( Gece ; Hist~) 2277 Cr: Ang ~ ) -2277 Cru-) > 6)227e ( Alest - ) 2p. Lees tong WG aS swast-A (aX)! S” . FO W ool 5g ee O18 SET | \ aT hod. meth 7 05 26 PR 74 need “I Gia Probl w- 1928 \ Mo 3 vs 439 — J 20 47 pre net h a fl 7 qr a] | “4 alee ala? 39) . Mang 2040 ao 21 ve AMON 2958 Gh-y! Sh 2379 at Fe via Wi4or aatly’gf ta 2938 hae v ee kn 4 NF 79 yg Et 2390 7438) av yr 1423 ® te we Ge, 2301 2302089) 238 Feria 2362 - a . Frvia Wess l aaa C dhe 238i 2382 2369 239 Wwe At _ ‘ - Mab, a) 9393 | ibao 29 79 — 2341 2392 ) pate «il 2394 (3395-2398) ee le” rgow ( “° 2394) Stl7 _ ver ( dlo24e%) AME Get a 240g” 14° ys Dia * Gk PS gOS : [2349 ‘ ao 240! Ft yi ss Lf near) 2502 Hfn 6 ab~ Ts, ee ase Vi" y 2552 GALT wes 2s63 lagh L$ wend YP FO Q- SB ET ar a we 498 W- 1930 aa Fe via Wider 43s" # ane oa’: Sead I\ ' Math. : ' Hy, +h wey ie 404 go ar | Ferra lon | L 0% UT ond 5F oe 2M. Lites oy WG aga * Was b-A (27)? s r ro he hed. eh 79 2k | | mer ’ be "Ah ® fh. wt —~ a . F! gimp ay Peth 327 no . i Leen Auer 2368 ee 2374 : Ne «2359 4 s ee 2350 —7 238", av Be hte G7 2301 2302049) 23% Fene2362° F * ve lese ee : ase ( Une 2381, 2382, 2383 239 Mab : OG a“ 2393 | tlg 23 79 = 234 wa) Meo ° [os 1394 (2395-2398) [ee 2 Jhon (ob 2548) 2 : . St L _ a al, eS a4ol (itgasvs) AME CLUS 2404 > 2407 Aa ‘ . Oe va 2405 : * tp > . 2349 | R410 _ 2401 . | FY via tos L ff N63C2A) Q502 Hin oN ase, Vi" pre UN . 1809 AGoF L : HA “Bey G7 , <9 EF re 9 209 | J ket = z to ao72 fo a 706 2095 io ZI/o¢ ea aes “Qe 210? 104 Fe at her Gakm Job 203 tos 2192 Pe Mal a : ass | Ft ry We 33 (W/904) ware prc — > WIE prt dad 92 W20/7 nel ~ ; eet — . Yn WI) [y- ——> Iv Typ! (1s 2.006) od IV hcol (102.007) —> Wa014f bal - Wigq2 Pab-~ ty Wiggs. 19 | dial - WI996 , arene (requuise Galt Crspl+ Tyeaent ) - Crosete! saith Wy 3 and Wy 4. we 33 WL 006 (We 33) x WIPE H (We 33) 3 OO. A00G, K WI97O CWesd) 9 ° ANG. x W177 ai Gen oma Aoee . X WISt7 We & We 34 Wiggo (14534) x w1944 Ch on) > io 1940 x2 00 & We 32 ~? Al very ome lf {79a % wl8os” tw4® > Oo 1940, X w l90Q cud 133 —> / 1990. AM? > | arnndf 1990. A WIE? —J7 ca FSD Wa 34 (witos) "Wi933 Duck 7? W199 Dod ~ exph - | WIIS52 | hoe > f - | oA — W194 prt~ Loe —?> W2069 plo -s* W}9e) prt - we #7 é Inderalicg © Whin9gg #7 0° Mp” 2 nr) 7 : : | : =, 1 9 erm rand eb, s eg A* \,* 43 jez ; ve fa / Irs 4 \ TP rho of 2194 An 237 WW. § toot) 1795 x bm fiat i PE a 2/35 fe Ine 214 at P 2/39 ib A 136 — 2145 arb - KOK aitt Te aIGR ys wo3F 143 wrack . Z He gee 2194 7 per nie me ea a 7 att 266! y 2ito-—y tos" fram T Pc) ay L a elQ"} uy 2439 ——>_ 4441-397 | 51,52, S52 : Gall+ aos . 4 g.— it - ° he t fe Md” 22.04% y220S 2293 <— 1? joy | sent yt ge _ ye) , f ¢ “N 236 ra) I dyio —thy 2183 [on Gul, “Ut LoYnatent A ? NS > BIS 1130 V," 2363 “2367 2354 237! 19: q 1 Hee — >. ae i 273 Wa 50 ( (1434) | “Ww hook | pwol + West = - WJ 2044 1g From W wo © els Fics En Pach to a8e asA ? ~ ake alte ye “2376 Qertens cin) “de a ro \t ir 206s” ( Beta ei Fr Suc S7 Vi -2,8 Ra eo. g 2667 266% } i i 4 a ee ae eniniietiec cee } Py i Lye SD = 264¢ ‘a F- $F Ye? Reo ~ nao, 776° Crrnsn AMT rye * Wt? 7. pe log 91 Ee . | of ¢ Peat raanlovon = ££ cacfarrn, x WITT. (Ens Lae n,.) CRA, “| Can Me eer hee W390 Colnere, Lact , MEMS bac vn. me, ary ebigoot ef 37 “Lagi dreshag cron trod The back Pe peet enegtnarn tomnces ¢ cartots. we stones fear "0" and ateek mE Ho tac > 3 Neus CorFelo aarcl cesreen (pomtg ln befly) Gace no— eslorrin at 37. Ar atere suka, a guuning Lact 4 «Tt 37. 27 (Syagoon EMS; bu, bath ) 776. Owr ct. “Me tune: | alacy tatu tte. / NG 2 ™ “58 p—- <0 ene 97 fr tt x | 3-4 fac- a . ft >: A reg bona or | W | ~22, paler O yal | Wd Ll facet? Ue acm (0) | a | We bac+ . fupech anddok fe partly At wane yippee eeoerH fy 1) Yee Be Fy 4 phot py gt t 8 ’ ute tere eee eh hae of Us weceedl bec & ” 776 x HIT a, EF1S Lae Sry - Oo (3 HS-87 o> Ca_¥ap sun. robs . oO llac+ oO Oo jlact O bP lact) Oo J becr oO . YOR 5 a 4 Si MR Cl, W 13> ( Sue. W4* é7y 5) 4+ - — YR SUF 5 + 7 © - YW? S$ + ~ ~ - cl sot - _ n We wy S a + ~ ~ _ Me / R ¢ Vien Hwee ~ +o tt J R + mee +e yoo i¥8 $ + ~ - oT a: . + ~ Hi! - wy pact — —_ ‘ bac — _ Papel 148, 144. lac 40h Ch Sue edhe, ISY UC 2ST¢ + —_* - ~ 15> 967 F 4% + + + 1b 1 MF — X 7 OH - j57, UC —F, + oT an v8 ++ WH 7 7 — i tt | _ - + 160 " u t+ \ — ~ HH . | ty — + t-dey! cet y . 2 43 hl. 1350 run +. f “Y. 1315 + ! wy ST + we va : Kb oY 167 gh —_y > 168 Nn =“ 5 2 \ 169 Sue + mH wy 170 . _ Z TW tn * _ oO ie ~ / 1B + sagt \s Wy Sar _ oO (73 ou -+ © . $78 — ( mR tet 7 Ife ~ . my! — S x 8p + yg? sh (Rata) aS - / )3 leet — O 4 mc bac - a _ oO 185 BL+ SD oO act Whee ?. O } Y lace “ o. oO 6 Slactr . / batt - ? SMa Arting hp oO 0 I nee vo Oo Od O«a oO Shoes b Lac “ket terion m a % = “7 1 CO POF RFP Omso ° oF ao +47 sh _