Ostober 30, 1953 Dear Werner: Bam glad to hear that you will be able to visit Madison about a month hones. In anticipation of your visit, I will arrange the lecture achedule to f1t, and hove you will do us the couréésy again. Thank you for the refarences. I had noted your paper on electrophoresis, and we had started considering some electrophoretic determinathons on our material. Would it be possible to apply through you for a reprint of th Hartmann—Lenffer-Bateman paper of the method? Berargtein has been going ahead with isolation of flagella of the two phases. A prepn. of phase 2 did agglutimate very nicely with acriflavine (as well, of course, as with homologous antiserux); he is in the midst of makinz a comparable phase 1 prepn. During your visit to Madison, I hope you will find it conwenient to speni a day or tw with us. We moved recently to a house, by no means a mansion, but comfortably paid out. The ict is perhape the most attractive feature (even sans trout stream), but will not , unfortunately, be very congenial for an outdoor seminar in Novenber as 1t was in Septa-ber. Sinceraly,