CHEMICAL CORPS BIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES MEDICAL BACTERIOLOGY DIVISION Camp Detrick, Frederick, Marylond 30 October 1953 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: Re acriflavine reactions -- I just ran across a recent German paper that may be of interest. It also contains some of the more obscure literature references. The paper is by: Wagner, W. and Bredehorst, H, Untersuchungen uber Farbstoffagglutination und elektrophoretisches Verhalten von Ruhr bakterien. Zbl. f. Bakter., Abt. I Orig., 159: 323-330. 19S3. Since I am still hoping that I'11 get to Madison on the even- ing of December 3, I would appreciate it if you could make a (tenta- tive) reservation for me at the Student Union for the nights of the 3rd and Ath. As always, Sincerely, Use) WERNER BRAUN WB/bsp