O- prsshe galacloride Mer. 10, 1997. NO hte + gobkihes oF 05 % in 7 (u,) Dd MED \ ete Y- f pple 5-6 ryelalons iter l 538-161 + tt" - + &t +&- 2 YS? t+ 4ber - & tr = ee + te 5S W-d6, - - ~ = yy -_ _ nod Ho Re th HF wa, HtHe 6+ hut Ht ~ Le oe T Yye + HH 4. ++ 4b ~ 4 +o 4+ + +E g YS >. ++ af + wre ~~ — oe A+ +t ee 6 wed, host th tte - - ett 4 ga ~ ole, 24h, Bohr. gk en gecly cag od ny il eit sel nt LV lero 56é hhgrces 2 724 . qak lac. B-baak b-dgal + gel. f tr ++ ++ o +? 1 lb 2 + _ 7 + tr we, £- f +t +t - ~ tt £ +* ++ -— vw ++ 6 +4 ++ +i. 7 ++ 1 ++ ++ ++ ++ g tf +4 7 ++ Note Swe f ee Fe S44 rally laen 5 pallualr pen » Otgebe. UTTLIGATION OF B-Fhenyl Galactoside 26 Nov 15 1y47 Inocula from 23.5P15. 0.1 ml/tube T(BMTLB1) base. A(Galactose .05%) B (B-PGalactoside) C Galactose +FPheno!. 02h TIME:::: 94 SPI6 SIUC. Inoculum 2 > yb! lb +4 ++ +t 7 tk te He GHA ‘ 4a 2a +t a +t 541 20 2) fe cb ate + “ aoa oe attr + + j hac 44+ +t ++ & pe 7c +44 Cue ++ af od 8a +44 - ++ 10) fee. 8b 4 + 44 ? Lo alli bale trae by wbftigee undbalce ? , SPIT on ek robrose + + "a= O-golafordle”+ 44 ha om guilerbrers t+ Hie ‘4-P-gobtoade " +H PI?, Strale act ve (> Ogleccosde ENB: IA | IC. 10. bA-bC. 6: Aon pred. Toe volgen alae rtf ards chuden c prinol ga lacters B-@-galactoside classification of straéins Vy Nov. 2/, 194° Test on EMB agar using heavy water suspensioms of cells from YP agar slants, except W-28 amd W-29 from galactose MB agar. HB ly. rende W33 +++ W35 - W37 ++ W30 - W38 tt Y'/0 +t te R12. tt 4h +t 1140 ++ ¥53 ++ 3 58-lol 44+ Wey ++ WA3 - W30 + 4 W5S 44+ W44 ++ W45 - W53 + W46 ++ w48 - W51 +4 Wet tt 24 nrs. (a2y) W52 + All others - 36 hrs. W52 +++ W-1,W33 ++, YLO +, Y70O, Y53 + wo3: 48 hrs. Loker. fo absreT. fire Aten Ce he « gad aprTrinn as Ysa, VAI ws aud w33 ek He pert aclene , apeesitl, WSR. Tus tqadne ” tap pe hh nbd te wed 5 F-16l will Lae gato re thei laet rect 0 Bb a ahlinalase a Fue nly strnrtucl, of wren whbindy “Lae +b -" 42 WS 3. tile YS3 +4 bee - [ad . Vs : bec+ Lae -— bee /2f+ YIO YS3 w-t. fod- WSS WHS,- 47. SerngtiTid Coerre WS3 xW-1 Lace bd x lec /db4, daoNelt/- wi 4 x Y/o bee-(bd- x Leca/bdt. Retin feMh wv licsm Cecloie . So lube /Melbre Cones haplatinn polun Poe [0 1977. a. Y¥o lact 6. Wel Lag ,- bre. yp Br ity bel, ce. Wyy bec,- QM Nw hadivn & Lk Zs abi the Sn, Uae Decrboombabs Big let M10 effin W 10 okt low - pice “t te SA 7 2 bo — Coe TDs 4. ath 44 FE me lestore y. ate 7 HA ttt c bee - —— On PE re hocw ed fe, it from enna eat | C sa csp) ee vm festifor f tong fee 60 TREHALOSE*#+*MALTOSE CROSS-ADAPTATION EXPERIMENT. Dec.. 16, 1947. Grow 4-12 in T90) plus .05% dsugar 24 h. Harvest and concentrate to ca 101° /m1/ Add 1 ml. cells to 1 ml 5% sugar, and in replicates add NaN, to a final conc. of @ x 1073 M. Add 0.1 al M/10 phosphate buffer pH 7.0 and ,05 ml BromCresolPurple .15% ddake up to 5 ml with water, cells added 2 P 16, incubate in 37° water bath. Readings at 2h., 4 h., and 18 h., Neadings - unless indicated. Cells a Lh. {h. 1 8L. . (a Yet) 61TH B Sf +f LP 17 A. Gbacore Tlo)+ ,os% 1G horus. p (1 er e. Tictebay, A . ac . . +t + ter A cells did not adapt in 18 hrs. y uy Arde + ett in presence of azide, either to trehalose or to maltose. ~ tt M rt Av — 7 B cells utilized maltose in the presence of azide, but did not adapt to —_ trehalose, t+ - +++ " +Ar ~ ~ © cells utilized malbose as well as trehalose and glucose, even in presence of malbobtse. B. tHe ttt "© Ay - +++ Azide in conc. of 2 x 1073 M does inhibit fermentation to some extent but seems to ++ +++ block adaptation completely. yb RL - ER Tr - $++ Conc. +rehalose and maltose cross-adapt, “op Av _ ~_ but only unilaterally, trahalpse adaptation implying maltose adaptation, but not the x Jd He +44 tH, converse. +A - thr mM + tet Qeery: Will #alt-(Tre/) cells utilize oY tA _ ~ ade maltose if grown on trehalose? Tr + ++ ttt fA +Ar _ tht ~ a . - tha , _f > f . co Toe alate team he rnallearadag lA bujisech nie roon The inhibition of lactose-adaptation fy by Azide. Dec. 18, 1947. Harvest K-12 from YP-.l%glucose broth. 16 hr. cultures. Conc. 50/20. Tubes contain in 3 ml. , : 1% sugar, 1 ml cells, .1lml Phosphate Buffer /10 pH 7.0 and indicated conc. azide or DNP Set up 12:20 PM Glucose (3:20) LI. L. Lacbpse 2f. 4 _7 a MW. 1, Azide u/l00 x BHOPH. Gs 00PY apy. 3:10 00 PY, T:00PM (P lo = tte “ 4.50 - + ++ tee 4-62 2 41 ++ “ “5.719 - - - - 6,23 3.5 +t He “S57 - - - + 5.95 4. ol H+ v ~ 478 ~ + + HE SYS 7 + 005 H+ Y v 4.70 —- + tt $08 6 02 be a A a + +e +t Shee DNP 074M x 7 5 _ y / _ _ 8 . 1 . tr / v _ —_ durian setTn, 7.32 At 12:40, none changed. “ee Af, Oban vdacile . 10 Arde Horr: A ogpecadty rebel» f tf cevtte has ceil” an FU. pitts en + 8 [O44 poaglate Mt oA 4. 30, He . wats ae GO T ive thei the nee Wether Pep Hes te of iit add fers : acu, \ Ue, be baxt »% fe i add audalad” but Ht have bun presen ( Cfo rene = tM? GTM . ). nef shed wd oy thes ein wad tir nthiuter nek uluu pi wo mace fig pi A ws ep! tele Aut, ar {ran Haprrur€ Mu . ° ten the, vtec adkeirly x futalere . E46 Pee. Bf, (997. ) 4 bins Aeat (tree) + SM petebe ted glacere pete Le fothe chal mrebicoreondnallere wi potinihilee typ.6 §. lowe Te gta. Durl. 52/2. To SA Up. SPI. 2. ucose. Mcllore - 1P/4, FAX Place ete tte — - Titel, +4 Het — - OU 08 thane capable f poteny prulielere fut nel irullare . Safes 0k Mall wheal nis cpgmmnthy Tre + althowe WBN ci putaer « lebll Mellie tah nonpl wn veedinlefedley Phebalere. \an. IY 9/8, [ : pemeat LU tom | %o eublisia y Tm) 366. ule Hab ir) ot cp TEs with Ink cello, lnk 3% substak, M/ tohack wel MeL Myo plaruplalld BCP urskecaler , Substrates: @G, glucpse; Lys lactose; M, b-methylgalactopyranoside; and B, N-Butydl-b-galactopyramoside. , Ga, galactose. Grown in/tested on: Set up 11A, 37°. G/GA G/G G/L G/M G/B L/G L/L L/M L/B L/Ga 5 PN 7 t 1 — = 7 — ~ ~ ~ JOA 1S. — +++ — - — +e tH + — + C234.) M/S Mb W/W MW/ Pp B/< B/L B/N B/ 2B SPN £ a + ~ + t.. — - ne tee | ttt tte th tet +44 + a Tent + Yisemy Share bacon Pabflph. MH ok Malaitrrs Plurcerd +44 _ i bactont +h +h *— + + / ~s 444 +++ ct + M FEE EE * pit (lbs pabably be old for rage nclaytitn, beclein alls, s+22cuiilgaie Na frakinar , aide nan liset ocr avd oT rreeert alr enbgal | Uae L orig. | ety. (Mba way be tas od, Ged. Mall) a L astute @ L atepled are Maslaptid DB a> porly dir nde thar vonslilins | of Saleeyyere-th aslyp bot W1O8: Test for maltase and lactase activity. q3 Utilization of C-sources Jan. 23, 1948. Grow W-108, Y87, #56 and Y10 in YB broth overnight. Use } ml inocula into 10 mi. indicator broth with 1% sugar. Maltose lactose — 108 ~~ - — _ — + «ha plif 108 —_ _ _ a — = 87 +++ a — ~ _- - need, tarhor 87 fat — _ - — — 36 * — — +++ +++ — he flay mv 108; 56 . _ e voller . 108356 + i - 1083 87 1 _ — a 108387 _ _ _ Y1LO ++ . +44- _ — — By PRS aL ttt ayespt Ws8/N.. cells “herefore, W108 do not produce maltase detectable by the utilization of the hexose gomponents by symbiotic W56, and converse&x with lactese and Y87. Use small inccula from slant~suspensions. T(m) with .05% equiv. C-source. W108: fuse. P23. _ N24. P25 Pra Suralr vl on glucose - t +++ —- N-L- # fretralore. fructose(st sep) _ — ttt —> Mss } trehalose " — - tit -—7M-L-. sucrose - - - maltose - +4- ttf ~? M+L+4 Lactose - _ ~ Na lactate +e +t - K gluconate Hee ter v Y-10 glucose Hee +t. WwW /08 Y/0 Un 1% EMB plates: Nt q. p25 K glucon 44 He dE glumose — a yet l-arabinose 44+ Vd ete xylose fet “ he mannitol _ ote. AM: rare Aaclrrr — a +++ srnralteer - . He brett fore apseres phenstypes cevanimas -m glutear, rubles + Lealoae eels Wyo 8: Tact for (0 geht hee atntky qu %, 1998 WioP € Y¥/o pli la) +, So /OP, é ey ef ea Rie bal Btkorier + baste foon ch el MSF Teed /. [. Qiasek — — 2, Phew wader (Pop) = = 3. Dox 0r-% Heh Hee 4, (08 + + 5. OF » +r + 6, Via & + - 7, ¥70 4 fk + 6" Uplacmec onl, _ MA penal oll 7/0 Yio ot W188 urvhe. these cor 1 out /0€ ne OE eptes. rem ret, | net he le . “fot. eG Wl YS a L- c a e 6. Me eere Selah Demi dal £-autl- tr. WOK Clucorn co a + + - + + _ - wb! . Cc Phuconce se. +t 444-)7 = ~ - ~~ ~ wioe! = + - + => 10% . DD fnanalviusrt a oo > — + + Yo . _ Eh -arlnort (Oe a) om - ! , * - 7 ios F dol ae)- = ee +> Lt + > [howe “Bebe ee Yee i acme oud aglasTore ess, adore. Alen drglrs an Leeubmers @®. D -atalneree