CHEMICAL CORPS BIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES MEDICAL BACTERIOLOGY DIVISION Comp Detrick, Frederick, Maryiond 26 October 1953 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Genetics University of yieconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshs It was good to hear from you again and I want to take this rather belated opportunity to congratulate you for receiving the Eli Lily award. I was happy to learn that my suspicions in this respect last December were correct and I hope that you thoroughly erjoyed revisiting the west coast. I really ad a wonderful time in Europe, not too constructive from @ie scientific point, but most interesting and enjoyable fwm all other respects. I spent 3 weeks in Italy, a few days in England and Paris and approximately a week in Germany including a four-day visit to Berlin. I hope that I shall have an early opportunity to tell you more about this trip but in the meantime I shall restrict myself to conveying the regards of several Evropean colleagues, especially Cavalli and Monod (I forgot who all the others were who wished to be remembered to you). yw Was partic- ularly impressed with Cavalli. He seems to be quite a bright boy, far younger than I had anticipated. In regard to your request for references on acraflavine, I find that my own file is very poor in this respect. Attached, I am sending you a very small list of publications which in one way or another touch on this particular problem, There just doesn't seem to he much in the literature in regard to this problem, I certainly appreciate your interest in my book and I am very glacG to have the correctiom& I would also appreciate any suggestions you might have in regerd to changes in specific sections because perhaps I shall have enough courage to consider another edition in a few years from now. It is quite possitle indeed that I shall have the opportunity to visit Madison again during the first week of December. It would probably be on the Ath and 5th of December and if my plans materialize I shall remember to "just happen to have some slides along". With best regards, I remain Very sincerely yours, he es. % WERNER BRAUN WE “>. ows One Ch $ t Soa °P Ix Yeu Sie but J dda’ +S dn @ abnke & 9 Ad't ewer Lem te pra wet Mi book Ac tuchty n We mashiy