July 17, 1953 Dear Werner: Thank you for your letter of the 14th, and the ms. It seems to show a few small changes from the previous draft. We are expect&ng a visit from Hayes early in September. I agree that any "conflict! ig much more in the point of view than in the conclusions that have been reached. Rather I would prefer to reserve any conclusions until theeevidence is more binding. However, we are fairly certain that elimination occurs mmkx after there has been opportunity for crossing-over, so there is no need to postulate deficient gametes as well. But it will all come out in the wash, and the less fuss meanwhile the better. “@ will be going to San Francisco after all. Have a good time in Burope, and say hello to the Parisians, Stecker, Spicer, and especially Cavalli if you seo then. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg