rawtleg) obovate Poké | 118 Gnaes Hegtd Yew aan ogee y. fx. Jo bl 5 A, Hh ay Kean | pagoda” able (07 sleet) pn. (pH 6.8?) Pe ee /O f Ky Ht Poy iS NViatl Ss Fe Soy f Oye Qe HT ware He, Spromeris etlood the joel ad NS dee Yuclnug A Deg edegen 1245 } Serge +) PAST 45 ta 0 s lang Mapdege 118 7 Fedey « / ma +O {10 | JOA S687 ont JO |10 57:73 att tliat; . pa7 — Me S “ti 5 Thee VAY Adz Walrttervar : la 2 Pe a fpr Re fo 4-10 dau 30°. Ftd, o gnrth vole | ; - 4) poets pene " tk 104." binds " ( ¥80 + per. Pima) bel EERO eek hid Fite pall, Hat Williams Sunith, He (aya) ees gata on the tiping f stgeh, T. The o1 on ane nature lozoeed oy me aus of ba zferso tree JG Yh PS. pet conaullne + Ha » ans were ecaleed . Masaey alee Sieg ih ope Ft JE fal f ur case a Sia th, H. (mye) The. asgiat Learese Le a lune aplaghecale tyr neg orton: tg bine a) Mix ald.) + 50 » sad Te pect weber ty) hal ey N\ y “ 0 lip) J. (oer He -12y. The Aa Leuagriaye- poe ted bald apetnarpanse 3 % L. Barthes . bcc r. cablair buekal % 16? Jo nina Ure , We tN EG ob the EG 2, 0 menhcr #19 (de hog ) Spo ctrerimetel 90° anol "Ml extorees 3, eet ( a‘ en aurarured 40° fd. or [00 Ssmer. Reels ar Lercleek toemert pod porvsalion je OA. 20:57. Dis 1b) Flu,P.C., (1938). Etude sur le bacteriophage du Bacterium megatherium. Ann inst Past 60, 610-632. From summary: Used de Jong's 899 as lysogenic; 338 as indicator. a) found less phage than bacteria, ig contrast to Wollmans b) very young cultures carry phage alsp, but saline destroys the phage and prevents its filtrability. Wollman,E. and Wollman,E., (1938) Recherches sur le phenomene de Twort—d'Herelle. V. (Bacteriophagie ou autolyse hersdo-contangieuse). Ann inst Past 60, 13-57. (ee ta > -— eter anced as cet. DEL, Af pucate ee itatios he ples” ide Uno yy vr’ Burnet,F.M. & McKie,M. (1929). Observations on a permanently byw lysogenic strain of RB. enteri¥ifis Gaertner. AJMS 6:2760-284. Lysogenécity determined by growing test strain with indica- tor, heating to 56 for 30 mins to kilt bacteria and plating on indicator for plaques. Titers of 10/ - 10% often obtained in most 1sokates; others showed 103-104, Repeated washing continued to Liberate phage. After almost exhaus- tive washing with saline, distilled water liberated additional large quantities of phaggy Lysis by other phages diminished the yield. lysogenétity was found to bepermanent ° "The permanence of the lysogenic character makes it necessary to assume the presence of bacteriophage or its anlage in every cell of the culture,i.e., it hs part of the hereditary constitution of the strain. Rough enteritids produces the phage although it will lyse inly smooth cultures of other organisms. A mucoid resistant variant of the enteritidis to phage 13 was found to be lysogenic of 13 as well as for gallinarum. The mucoid strain was unstable and gave off rough and smooth colonies. ib. Type differences amongst staphylococcal bacteriophages. 6:21-31. 4 phages found for a white coccus "SF". Some resiatant variants were aureus pigmented, but nonpathegenec. (Among the phages was C-C!- see induced lysogenicity.) /B is C-resistant. } Seanad ‘92 2 ‘ ?f> SF BS AreD 4 (ess Gre han PP 9/2 sd D) Z fa oe Cena db A : ‘ele FP moss, bbe wy cnet “14 >, nelly, > tae, eacdanes : 1 . Lf fp area. uelroe . ‘ chtat, Pe Ag ee? of Mnf 72° pus lo + Ay ong, hh Part IF SOC. ; Co, NPB 33: 677 tar tictides ad [> Lé cont LAL A6“at: ly fy fu VILELYEL ws - A ,2, NV. A+ ax pete: for rrmcole .. c Baer det EAA Dy LAL OR eeR. , Aey, L thew? Via Mo prbiucr Dap aye? 2 A vert. LD . : ‘ctu. vio acti, Ar pa A). AY (aye. fom real Ad yh Meets tAte eed SeS itis aick / ritiutltes . Bite mea ly hae 2) rte Tr? Cerin g aff eta Le pod pees © tts Che, Beery LUA fey ceet, ree walasg Ayn! gee (2) yor 1 ‘ > a PY , . a . A bal ie People ~!oeochbds BPTI " Conepaten’ aeepaldn 5/F pops for srucrthr otras meg, Ay. Py AG TA Leq fr lgpla se. ty ph. duo CF | 2) edn PALCAGL | cl. 44 laced ty pene Zz. — onl pe > } FTA wel - Hi in (€. 7 Conga) also - > yacord WY a5e x seed oqeead + srnel! fo he ae “et ‘ = Lens eedlda) tr eth, oJ = om ne Ravage f actin vet chiar é. 5. tae beatin, “Use > ‘lf Raniet + fuel ( 1986.) 14:27 - 32. X- resistance Abvoopp tion bay heat billed ¢ ells Culture A B ec «€ 0 Aal cf c! SF + + + + + #¢# +4+4- ++ se /c t t - ~ + £¢ ~ ~ Se[e + - - =~ + +£ = _ SE awd SFie on arate ath, thetical , sje Aastuct. . ‘LY -f ; os fe : . ~ uy SF oped) feck hearts mm kewie -, no lowe 7 ter Cwiiee , bret oF fe poe. SF + pd , then prea c’ MOO (ae eo eee OF cevbliiane of hint - frp pr beet qT i a Cc a ay Ahi callie, Z se/e, ea ra t SO "Yo | SF fe | fal rryeareeedl Mpaaptace . Sit coe kl web he. “Ee tg “F wily C Acrusy. s/c crlboneee wr te etka o; vp Che tebe, Be of cy jy we SF / c| B Adu whine te Cl tebe | Ctivaks, 10-20% witacle be hecoie ey eg ce a See ) : d Acuth, F + Rete, ji : / igoy) JID 94 5/3. Pricee Whe , p. Lf o7) 2 bate’ Mave AOE Mbrvac m ol? the aflrces oe on ", gyn ay Mel he whee Zz . WSS 424 ND G- Phage LL. f aebts weelely a9 tclan, vharws Abba IGF Vi (% - Ake |: 5 Jantar e _ bry” oi ant Viel Qed ty plas (beca.) LL- ated ots Ie lang LE, A, below, Cee LTE diag LEA ut HH, Ff, art hy cakes at for forte 4 tn tA At crt Shais Phen L2g ard Lael. sar big rare ge he | adhe Aye al cate Lh (or are MA, te edmiiewe Ee ee vt. ZZ! rr On ad? fa “ye, Mo. “pe (ALD tka 64 eA ‘tf 9 Keb ne A - ! (sf- a , , ; the hy pep a ipahed plead Artal fe can reQe “yucgtitee . Me teadle Meee 7 fm, * en Dene f\ Pepher yt A (1445) A bichisadhage for Pisedmeenns fig ory men JO: D0/- 36%, . Cran, A. C. (/aye) (he Ab sla, eae tet. Indassaioog p. seen 597" Deoy phase ar rehash fin, Lyrrs tkins ere a. Tg baste ? (7942) 1 il ANirnenudear 0 14 Shakira Jad es iad Dg ao wey 5 CRSB. b , @ K-17 See Ree frag maaan | (I :389Y6 pet 1272 962 185374 IV91T1, UY (b0:602, 144 [oF: 97 J P > SHUT ) bf des 59:3 /2 Frere See ¥6:939 Cerna ¥) Mawel ©. (1947) 3 Mbebt I) W7NT- Ketek A Helly 4 Kebewtin TL. (1474) JD. 54373 cp oo a = Es Ocal obec tions Uith, Aercecfiie YER. tr wet Vere hearmesesaf to Meng obeys 4 Codioted) te Ceuticg PS burst, 8, 4 Mbp, 1 (en) Bolu gam Bakken phar, 3) (ht. CY Or», 17: 417-437, Meat litical) erbeTs Cone, hoger (79% m day. To on pein: Som Stealer.) The LHX ae meres of ie freed Sabny. ret Siac taal tel 38 91:12. Cin2.3) " hoon in dere bgaor aealicTg Lubbecrren momar £ trey pened ft kK tap aU” LB pe ad, iting. aad |: eet’ “Ace ae ay. Keb & peed PAagin- we . CL 2 Voachlay, Bop Preeen te ad, fur des Ss a cate on. Abbe 4, hiaher 2h a af aed ethas- Ma, hey ny F eaoer-# te 7 A wath 88 pd oop’ carrey Me ott, thon b hailiay oy ‘coteucknn : este catid Wy te. hte peccesns safe by*/ 2 \ Gaile Fratmonth iam feslesl yrs At, teased beet jor hornet) lato Li [i taper, Pan. - dvitekdes ) PO t y 7 ee aL. ae L fe ~ } BO. Bye) of Aha gr ey’, ated i tr i te ry jean , bP AN eee, me “ 1 bare ode a ee Tie & /16 tAihtram y, ~ j TT jr phd . Gty ). cal actu mM @ fey , jue “vy tdealion H bt rp- vithecr thee, open é Egle lnae N - Tipe yenucd Hirer, fh Cram? teeth Cay 2 few pes wad A-. a’ Herckl, Flot Mabrobe.. Tt. Caoq) Jt. SY: 313 - 344, Mate loes we ggrernrny Aakiiic) Aorabis ard aveetoner rca. twire . aKa bende | a hedesced) fe seytaise ty | LD See Melee MOH, ae Leleti , 4, Stadice hecakc bald MH edccaf Reseed, Nerrnerio 14 Cake He 11 d0: jf hactect > pave f Se Ach Bes, ATEC Danryng 407.00 6 be» ~. Fe sey sclh po Webied be Addon | ple €. Ark A> Acca a ath. $Y hy chaneky, brane fe EME L diate anerths, See ce ka beac. oe jeorteall, cet at. fle or teccsfrr. Cat. bite f gha ty Lxpeeabllga fla joo he f Lk wt, et etal LL a a ee ee ee ne of Hla sy, hob ‘a but, “ sl wf. * A U Ni cto P., eabar \ + Artest P.( 14 ¥6) AIP 72: 8lg—-89. in poke Met SL tt en o~m Behidecnarelmetcetepeelt tales awd 18 >. 3! coo 4 flan 12 nik 1 +4 44 Let » + { /f “/o) wi mre Ay cqthon ) » + are arg lank to Mr » tHe pecactoy’ : Tile LN tap Fi Ath ov thie covgte tee ble . Reventions d from i (aw, | eral there ot her og 1 fag hffo4, aeeelowall $otr heat. Aas h ~ Berle ) + Bet PUI) Be Liscezoagtc eb veruibvicle G Incecartbtercore. AIP 721: /6bI- 13° 521-334. -|}-9> +) : AV Ga. $(\-) —> RCA peat a aa See lle . bcismry (oyehHe 2odcans 25% /S uk), oer psmacts He ching Teas tr he \ ecrtoe (coat Meeting cox Cleaas May base bere raerbctof'{ bee Mealy oy J.12. Pyoeenua | Lisbeune's sack. at 37° hora prettc then, " "af /0-18. dais ois pay Des. 71. en neg Tore 4 Y ren, , eae aa Xbten. Wek rd in both Ae , wrbe th. Ahh ci L Lf 5h. af 37° Han Aon pe Fi (2 ree = (138, ore ta vuble + OCn Scat ard aft ss With 45” tnnbructons, 43 A bos es hf oe oben tinea were for ade be, elles le Cae mol Yat goalteed MIts - 17° pod ie acige VIO hn | Les culbiuure ME jouer. AM plaice Le toma 4 hasticngdage le/- /6Y oo yy! O And ah bh fromm aut lel deuce jee sence tl eee Cr CT ad f A ewe fy’ f Me bere.) Tay. HO, 732-238 U8) iow See Toyobo t Wil soy 1936p. 239 lhanen, &-C. (1948 Ohw \ S 48(3):/0 - 106. Aiailh undue: , fare it) the nr fcc ater Mu telliianp q f. fink fw L Our Ader Sta - Wyyrke ). 7 pone of bec ell at mee hus need fom vatereo foeeta cotaree > al rm og amef “ens. Paw ece & (2) Aa kg wg tts 2/g of NB ay Hd. Rete Ih. Prnekpletir urd fil colour, Deweeck BX: 36 S] (19592). 7 veces rec cab “eres 17 uaty Ag tels x Ao he at Ot -e Yo Coin fat eu len. pont IaKacphegt laf ly byt, en pI lage ) ide - jet J Plage Sear» ei ‘4 ie ae ce ‘ ah, vr lias | nh chee, te (934) The Mypogenccerly f erliforn. faccll ASEBM.S. 12: 16%~7785. SA ertiformr avd 1 peceta tated fr Yaegrncerky by Lag flair. >2/ fo Jeep ogee ain te punning pbake, av av} aretul care Kore. Lutag tar ermine phages, (52 foam 37 e+), Pocus Fkyner VR dy ses wae mevtiauscep tle ( 38% 6 tice) . 23 weegaetinrg mn eg _ 398R gellinarcan. ihr ue tad ard) Ayah on parorn2 28 om Flier VR rT San otk KR, aah on Fey, UR 3 m 378K —~ mVR 3 Aprecfee Se a1 3788) Phan S ak YS. a Croto-reeretarrce Debanr’ Januer 4. C1498, Pakiaphaye Gy lage i ope Salrunclly eg aid. Uplia 162851, oon Thou, tublican : OAL cove curable dl wlth an wrt 2 Va wt +) lle - o : é. y te a - he an & lcd 44 a4 dE ea ke fis Ly Lak, 2 ie Ed ee ifape fe Type CS No OE, Abele Tig A ee or ta wo a 4 Pipi - ae ahg TZ oy. 2. Thee. ao. cov han. ‘ ef baclivia aoe " abn + of iv th vi Ade i Lar ‘ Rte 8 "GQ f I 2 ; - MELF.- Tayla, #-€, (1994) Addcbine fhe f ailon. tenrfrmnung agin fer deve. (mecante L prewurnrcrreses . Sp jy. Teed. 39:399-424. SmMacake (js mL) prospecting gr drecctudl . Bovine Stuur, | fal . Shanco: Abb (si) J R20A CR) D39SB-. Mer yevevts and read. |, hers boomed. ER (eel fron 364. Loewe vi; si -1 fbr ipa cdal v- arili R puurade ERR. Theo can bs. rhein tha¥~ EK fo S wth mL “Libe cie. mraphedegc ced raSinSn ied fon R36A, ER 40 siremeplinh te vmbigs durch Asnapranton, avlothe ST enddin. EL-7h35 Htimed im me tile hing ati R flashy lh. and wrins sia re caer tin gallo = fi " type - sprue ankisers wld hanehornilon of A362 => SiR n/ Abr cxrtntiah fr, STA | SH -V (unreal) ~ | and - diffs ome sarin, of Adislaccce . TH - . pet bressad Lo it -2 nrcced , we, chit ee? TP hove TF - “lav HE -2 Hacafros 4364 © conparabte. § lize begin cloned roo -| avd it ~2 mtorr Wha aes S-! andsa -2 tee apd at Zr - A/ R +. in -] A Tr -— Al. Dyes wed Arter Phe you R 2» W-2 He -s | yee R > TW-W +> i -| eo 1-2 (tt ns v re may K-~>@a-i $2 47-2 teher | Qo ine (ieee & Vo Akeinnh alta Hae TE a Cpe paper by fassanrilan jo danas