July 8, 1953 Dear Werner: Thank you for your offer of Hayes' ms. Hayes did send us a draft copy a few weeks before the symposium. Unless yours appears to be a final version, we probably need not trouble you. On the whole we thought he did a good job revhewing the field. My main objections are to his terminology, and only two or three points of fact or interpretation (elimination of the Mal~S region is certuinly post- aygotic, as we have several diploids, hemizygous fox théd region, but show ing Mal from one parent, S from the other; our Hfr is not confined to the "Lac-TL chromo~ some"; and of course (as Hayes also says! there is no evidenwe that the "F+ agent" ds a vector of anything isince it hasn't been separated from the cells in the first place]} but these are actually rather special details, which may or may not pertain to recosioination in all strains of F. coli. I may not have sent the enclosed abstract befors, which is perhaps more timely now than it was a year ago. Sincerely,