UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA May 22, 1958 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Josh: I have not written you since the meetings at Madison, because I wanted to have Jim Jenkens talk to you or write to you first. Now that you have seen him, I only want to say to you that I have seen the Chancellor Gnd the President Elect shortly after my return from Madison and have had some en- couraging considerations concerning the possible future of negotiations with you. This, I suppose, has been mentioned to you by dim. As you realize, I went over his head at that time, but do not intend to interfere beyond that occasion. Let me only say to you that I am very anxious that things work out in the long run, I wonder when you will be ready to return to me the models of chromo— somes, We wanted to use them here for a student exhibit, but unless they arrive very soon, they will not be of any use for this spring term. Do not worry about it, they can be used in the fall for the purpose intended. Let me thank you once more, and Esther too, for the very fine time we had in Wisconsin. I thought that the meetings were extremely worth- while and besides, I enjoyed your hospitality as well as that of others. With kind regards, Sincerely yours, CELT Curt Stern CS/sm