UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION DIVISION OF GENETICS BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA April 30, 1958 Dear Joshua: First of all, I want to thank you for your gracious letter of March 15; it was exceedingly gratifying to the members of the Department and especially to me. However, I did not answer it immediately because everything was so up in the air, and still is for that matter. Nevertheless I was about to make a progress report when your letter of April 26 arrived. I am looking forward to seeing you; it is always se much better to talk. I shall be at home Sunday May 11 and feel free to make any arrangements that are most convenient for you. The dacision on your appointment was a shock and I still don't understand completely why it was made. Undoubtedly many things entered into it and many extraneous issues played a part. There is a political battle in the state legislature between north and south over water resources. Five different budgets were deadlocked -- the senate is dominated by northern counties and the house by the southern. The University was caught in the middle. Second, Fair and Exposition funds (paramutual), which largely support the building program in agriculture are not yielding up to expectation because of inclement waather and strikes, coupled with the fact that prior commitments made on these funds are insufficient to carry out approved projects, which has required supplemental alotments. Third, there will be a change of administration on July 1; Clark Kerr becomes President and the Chancellor at Berkeley has not yet been named. Thanks to Curt's good offices, there is a hope of a future reexamination, however, it will not be easy to fit the pieces together again. “We still expect to move into Mulford Hall by July 1, 1959. In planning the space we are keeping the built-in furniture to the barest minimum in the central section just in case we do build our Castle in Spain. Mike had his operation for stomach ulcers on Friday April 18 and had a rough time of it. But, he seems to be making excellent progress though there will be a long period of convalenscence. I have not accepted the chairmanship cof the department fcr 1958-59. Apparently, I was not publishing enough papers -- a state of affrais that I was unhappily aware of, The outcome is far from settled, due in part to Dean Ryerson's absence. I hope that our series of crises will soon pass, and I think they will. It will be good to see you and straighten out allthe kinks. I shall have the UW plans waiting for you. Regards to Esther,