April 26, 1958 Prafesacr J. A, Jenkins Department of Genetics University of Californie Berkeley 4, Galifornia Dear Jim: Z ex pl & rush trip to Gn Franaines om come other burinere in two weeks, weuld arrive at SPO airport early the Sunday morning of the lith Mey, and ex hoping thet Seymour can moet me and let ma reat up at his place for so fev houre, Unfortunately it will be just impossible fer me to visit muy of my friends whem I would Uke to ses and ovs a visit te, so I would like to asi you not te mention ny trip unless theres 4a sone spedial reagon for it, However, I would like to tate advectage af the oppor tunity te talk to you briefly, 4f that would be eonventent far you, cey arounc noon on Sundry, I heve to rush off in tbe early sfternson, cnd the whole trip is sundwiched between twe fixed ongagenente in ¥e.chington, I don't knew whether there is mich more to say about our ovr: negotiations, dut I do want te etross agnin that you should feel ne special or persenal en- barrassnent eheut what heppened, at least ae far as I am concerned, I would also like te coneult you privately about ether aspects of my own plane. If you ean conveniently spare me 30 or 60 mimutes would you let ne knew, or leave word with Seymour when on Sunday would be the best time. I can call you at some decent hour when we get back to Berkel ay, By the rey, I would appreelate having back the UW Meier! Sehool plens which i had set as 8 beaia for Mulford Hall plans, It will do very wall 4f I can have them that Sunday morning, or ss well if you can see they are left with Seymour before then, - With best repards, Joshua Lederberz