; | March 31, 1958 (no Dear Melt Thenk you for your thoughtful letter. Of course we were dissppointed, but we hed always kept the pogaibility in the beck of our minds, ao we vere net caught entirely off guard, I hove the leeue oan be revived sexe time, and meanwhile we are not at atl badly off 4n Mad!eon, We 22d and do avprecdata how hard 4m Jenkine and ouy other friends in California vorked on the arrangerents, snd are sorry that they were let cow in thia fashion, I sepeoially Lape that there ware some personal, or rather individwel, fostove dn thse adeinistretion!'s cacision, axl that it did not speak Sor any lack of standing of the Department of Cexetics on the Berkeley campus, It did scom as if there would be acne problenz ahead if Genetica were, om the one hand, to remain ir Agriculture, while most of that College was being shifted to Davis, Don't cenfuse our disappointment with eny touth of renentvent: administrations move in mysterious weyn their wonders to perform. There vere enough apecific obstacles in connention with uy appointment that I don't think the result will be any seriovs reflection on Berkeley of the kind you feared — at least no more than seems to be inevitable with such en immense oreanizetion, The bettors news dn the Jab here Sencernma the odd ovterte Kether ie pleking up anong the Gel”. Most of then, ar you imov, fall nicely into the two cis« trons, which rerrespond in turn to the tee ovgyres (i-trare and transferase) . But there are alec some ofa birds, including two vhieh give resition 6 fect in beth oistrena and which, according to Kalcker may have e quantitative defect in beth onsymes, tut which behara sa ordinary raint -rrtarts in recon bination and in reverse mutation, Their nogsition effant te therefore more reninescent of Y~type p.o.. at least dnerespect te a diffuns e!?o0t down the chremensne. I truet we will sea you in Montreal, if not sooner, With best rerarday Youve Stogwaly, J Agderberg if