[stamped, JL] 19 March 1958 Dear Josh, Upon attending a staff meeting in Berkeley yesterday, I learned of the end-result of your appointment to the Berkeley faculty. May I state how keenly disappointed and chagrined we all are at the failure on the part of the administration to confirm your appointment. May I also add that all of us are especially hurt because of the really extensive efforts which Jim Jenkins "put out" to assure your appointment -- and all he is left with is an empty bag. I suspect strongly that the outside reaction toward the University of California and its methods of making academic appointments will be one of suspicion and doubt in all future dealings -- and I, for one, can't see how we can avoid such an attitude nor do I see that it is unjustified. I nonetheless hope that something can be done to "right the wrong" which I personally feel that has been done, and I hope further that the proper climate can be created to convince you ultimately to join us. Do convey my warmest greetings to Esther and all in Madison. Sincerely yours, Mel