CHEMICAL CORPS BIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES MEDICAL BACTERIOLOGY DIVISION Gomp Detrick, Frederick, Maryland 3 July 1953 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: I have an extra copy of the MS which Hayes presented at the Cold Spring Harbor meeting. In case you did not get a copy of this MS directly from Hayes, I shall be glad to send you my extra copy. Incidentally, there are some differences in residual growth be- tween F+ and F- strains, but more work has to be done in order to determine whether these differences are in any way correlated with recombination frequencies. The present difficulties arise from the fact that the observed differences in residual growth shift signifi- cantly with the siZe of the inoculum employed. With best regards, Very sincerely yours, Les WERNER BRAUN WB/bls