UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA July 23, 1957. Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Dept. of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua, I haven't been able to move very fast on the indican quest because so many of the people here are out of town or are in their usual summer hiding phase. Finally, however, I did talk to Professor Woodrow Borah, Department of Speech. In keeping with the traditions of that department he is not a speech specialist, but a historian who is interested in the colonial history of Mexico. He has spent a great deal of time in Mexico and knows how to operate there. He suggested that you write directly to: Dr. Alfonso Caso, Director Instituto Nacional Indigenista Paseo de la Reforma 336-3 México, D.F. This is the man at the top, and will be able to get the leaves if any one can —- I expect that you will need leaves; wouldn't the crude extract rapidly change to indigo after being extracted? In writing to Caso I would explain precisely what you need, how much, etc. ~~ make a good story. Borah, who is personally acquainted with Caso, said that you should use his name as the person who suggested that you write to him (Caso). It wouldn't hurt to stress your connection with the Department of Medical Genetics. Unfortunately, I could not find Rappoport to learn how many leaves to import and just what procedure to follow. Perhaps you can do it there. It would be well to have somebody to negotiate in your absence. I have just come from a talk with McNeill, the Vice—President's assistant. He has given me a great deal of hope that your appointments can be made and the laboratory will be readon on July 1, 1958, I have also talked to the architect, Cochrane Browne, and he suggests that we discuss plans when you are here. He himself will be away on a holiday but one of the other men from the Architects and Engineer's Office will be avail- able together with the executive architect of the firm Ratcliff and Ratcliff. I have made a tentative date for the afternoon of August 2. Dr. two Yesterday, Seymour agreed to meet you at the San Francisco Airport between 7:00 and 7:30, Friday, August 2. I will be in the office (Hilgard) from 8:00 on and will be happy to see you both whenever you arrive. Sincerely, St ; C kK A. Jenkins Professor of Genetics Chairman of the Dept. JATsw