July 15, 1957 Dear Jim: Your note mich appreciated. Indigisiista mikes quite a pun, or did I misunder- stand ite meaning? “ I just had a letter from Seymour, and it seems to me that your both coming down to meet us fa too mach of a good thing, especially at that hour of the morning. We are going to be visiting Berkeley quite a few times in the oext several months, and we are going to wear out our welcome if you exert yourself too far. We would count it 4 special favor if you would arrange batween your- selves for one of you to meet us, and another to bring us back, when noleave Tuesday aight. You really are too kind. We are making a slight change of plan, that is to leave Misdison just one day earlier, so we arrive at San Francisco airport on flight UA541 early Friday morning, instead of Satubday. Otherwise, ali's the sane. Now, the plane 4s soheduled to arrive at 0530, but like aa not it will be a little late. Further, we would just as soon wash up, rest up, and have a spot of breakfast at the airport before we face anyones, end I also have to make some arrangegents about trans-shinping. Ulflesa the flight is delayed, may we count on looking for you or Seymour no earlier than 0700 either at the restaurant or the PAA ccunter? I'm sending Darlington's book by separate mail—thanks very much. It was too irritating in its dogmatiam for ms to finish it in one attack; I'l] have to get around to it later on. From the gist of your remrke I gather there won't be mich occasion for concrete discussion of lab plana. Unless I hear from you to the contrary I'll assume as mich for this trip. Maybe we can do more in November on our way back, if we do return vie Weetooast rather than rouné-the-world. We're still toying with the idea of going back via India and Europe, but not as enthusiastically as ; had been. I've been formally invited (and accepted) to serve as a 'vice#president{ (4.0. a paid attendant) at the Internagional Congress of Microbiology at Stock- holm in August '58: we thought to attend the Genetice Congress at Montreal on the way back. All this travelling and meetings is (I hops) very much out of character for us—- probably our just dearts for havéng been so negative about them during the last few years. If our moving date were about Sept. 1 '58, I would hops our formal appointgents could be arranged for August 1, so that we'd be spared the embarrassment of asking the 'favor' of this additional off-campus leave as our last dealing Before leaving. This 1s one of the details we'll have to talk about. In stressing ‘medicine! in my last letter I «as thinking mainly of organisational developments. Medicine and Agriculture are both the applications of Biology, and it seems fairly obvious that a better balance of mpport for fumiamntal biological research from both angles is coming about. Yours, td {\ti Pp