UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION DIVISION OF GENETICS BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA May 3, 1957. Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Dept. of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua, Just before receiving your letter of April 29, Vice- President Wellman suggested another arrangement for Esther. She could be employed in another department on regular University funds. ‘Some reduction in the Genetics budget for your research could be made up from that portion of your grants now required for Esther's salary. Of course, she would be free to work in the Department of Genetics on problems of her own choosing. A department within the College of Agriculture, if not a necessity, would be ever so much more convenient. It now looks as if Soils and Plant Nutrition would be the best one. Your reaction to this proposal together with any details you can give us, including an appropriate salary, would be most helpful in exploring it further. The fall of 1958 appears to be firming as the date on which the laboratory will be ready. While there are many arrangements to be made, it is encouraging that everybody is extremely cooperative. If good will could do it, I am sure that you would be in the laboratory tomorrow. Sincerely, \ ( J./A. Jenkins rofessor of Genetics Chairman of the Dept. JAJiw