April 10, 1957 Dr. J. A. Jenkins Department of Genetics University of California Berkeley 4, Calif. Dear Jia: The best review, such as it is, of streptomycin effects on chloroplasts is in Provasoli et al., 1951 Gold Spring Harbor Symposius. Shée—alec-refers Von Buler has a fragment dealing with effects on higher plants in Hoppe-Zeylers Ztachr. physiol. chem. 295:411. A Dr. Nancy Ziebur did a little work here with som planté, but did not go far enough to get anything conclusive. Her best method of application re to be agar caps containing .5 - 1Xmstreptomycin, applied to growing points. No one here is working on this now, ami as I think you gathered, I'm rather enthusiastic about the import of the problem. The more so if there could be som useful side-issues. To revert to Euglena, you aight be particularly interested in the complex relations between ths mamrka carotdnoid eyespot and the chlowoplast. These are toughed dpon in the Provasoli paper, in som contributions by Pringshein (New Phytologist 1952), and to illustrate what I'm talking about, in my review in Phyaiol. Revhews, 1952. I did appreciate the hosphtality you ani K. showed m. , Beat wishes . — ehua Lederberg Ad