February 25 ¢n309F a Odor jo O48e4 OPE Pissor FS. Ae Fenking 2 Department of Ganetics B.A ere} ace? Bi eeweAty 4s vite fgtnia ~ heaP isin 2 yeue Mee B ay veneyece er oie,goupa of th te tops Petes énd seminar scrangeebe corSimet Ioan enclosing itinerary to allow contest, if necessary, while we cre in Furope. But pleage keap an extra carkon cony of say correspondence whieh I can pick up im April, I hove first asked for the flight renervatione for the NY-SF leg, but thig long in advance tiere shouldbe no trouble. I will of course notify of any cuanges. ie should have & good domi te talk about, and such botter ds: curyeraction thas oy letter. I wil} call you the evening of the 3d after I arrive. As to acinar; I hope interested microbiologists will be notified and walesme, Nevertiielsas, i wili etérena myscif to the eudeince you indi~ cata. i, i am pleased te hear how you ara forging ahead. Newvever, there is no necd for undue rush on formalities (at least not on my recount), so long as our target dates already discussed are kept in sight. If I could have the ‘architéctural information’ I asked for, it would help me clarify atvance thoughts on plens during the next nonth, £ am especially interested to know the height of the window sills (i.e, do the windows confli J with the placament of lab bonehos) and whether such utility aervices os compressed air lines and distilled water lines cre alrandy available in #lee Giannini, Yours gvineerely, . , Jbshue Lederberg f f