CHEMICAL CORPS BIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES MM DIVISION Comp Detrick, Frederick, Maryland 21 July 1952 Dr. J. Lederberg Dent. of Genetics University of Nisconsin Madison, wisconsin Dear Josh: Many thanks for reading the chapter on "Recorbination" and for your interesting comments, including those contained in the nortion of the US which you sent me, I am glad that you are also willing to take a look at the chapter that conteins references to the transduction work. Enclosed I am sending you the draft of that chavter and I shall appreciate all critical comrents, I am fully aware that an over-all title for this section, such ac “infective heredity" or "infective transmission" may be advisable, but I am still somewhat hesitant to use these particular terns, because even fertilization could be regerded as infective heredity, Your recent use cf transduction as the major heading, makinc- trensformation only a sub-classification, may be the arnronriate ster. I have tesiteted following your example merely from a historical stand-pcint, which, of ‘course, May be a wrong stand-point, T hore iladison is a little cooler this July than Frederick, Them kind of weather we are havine here is certainly not favorable for any * susteined mental or ohysical activities, -WB/bis