February 4, 1957 Prof, J. a. Jenkins Dezt. Geneties University of California Berkeley £, Caiif. Decxs Fdne “ut notin vo icok at the calendar cenvineed me I shoul? move ahead some with pliune. i Please dont’ bother with aulicating the others— acd I'm serrr if you've alrow’; troubled. Tie taittot anchh me here devs very well, ‘ve drawn up 3 re m Layout thet [ mech happier with than before. The letters sre ali ol nanged ad é& Lwiil refer to these fron now on, The musbers,for furniture Liana, are casentially as ia *y carlier specification except as noted. (E.G. 5 iy the gieeseeled vlog bit arranged {n s pass through | doors . os on - +e . Wohi vay 2? aye ch aw! A eet Ft es OM VIG, Fads y LPO gure sha fb Loa of. five alan onde os tontutdiva wriwh fuvaituse olon, which ta as far as I soa go mAbhout the architectural desetla: windows {asight and operation); fs + s Oe sar vices (lei. sie, steaa, dist, aater, drains}; ventilation ete. e fon oh ‘neebtons ovt is to see what ohstcales arise in pro- One VL bo tert ns he ct costing nit hese pisos. ae Thea space te will cut up inte fatriy svall areas, though less so thaa in the srevbnas “plan, Tie oe 2 Lesson of experience Por the nos} sifieient operation in mlerchiclegical reasearch, I suspect wo will still have to nrovide for sur own derkroem ind some storage. However, To hene we con still share (1.4, mitually) the use of ex- pensive equipment os far as peusbblu. The darkreom will be a handy place for gone ins tounontotien | + wall, as for photographic develorpmint. And some year (if the monay ein be Found) IT hope to setup for some time-lapse work for records on sewiilt ty, muclesr shanges, orotonlast development, ete.—— a lot of our meekxiuvas alcroscopy is on Living miterfal. So this is about 2s much es is profitable to do with the information I have. ify furgetting such s detail as the height of the windows just shows why a cotiple of visits are going to be necessary. Sinceraly, Joshua Lederberg P.S. I had not put down the mechanical dishwasher on the equipment list; the one here is on order, but not yet in- stalled. This might run 1000-1500, but can quickly pay for itself in labor cost ig it does ang adequate job.