January 2, 1957 Dr. J. A. Jenkins Dept. Genetics University of California Berkeley 4, Calif. Dear Dr. Jenkina: I con't have to tell you how much Esther and I heve enjoyed our visit to California. Your department's further interest in me was the dieing on what was already a very delicious cake. I could rot think of any more fundemental questions than we had already gona over. Of course there sre nany details to be gone into if the baste mitters can ce handled smocthiy through your aduinistration and faculty committees. Under separate covar, I am sending some reprints that may interest you, and I would be grateful for an exchange. The enclosure may al30 be of some use to you, or at least for your fires. with beet wishes fcr the new year, Yours sincerely, i Joshua Lederberg Ppofsssor of Geretics