OOOO EI, JOOOGOOOMOGOCO Departament of Medical Genetica April i8, 1957 Vean Hoy 4. Doreus Division of Life Sctences University of Califor nia Los Angeles 24, California Dear Dean Dorous: I am honored by your letter of April 15. Like this University, and very fen others, you have = rere opportunity to integrate other academic with medical research and education, which can be achieved by a variety of adminis— trative devices. I say this, having just moved to the medical school here with just such an aim. For a nuaber of reasons, however, I do not believe i should encourage your consideration of my candidacy for your position in Bacteriology at the present time. wy best wishes and thanks to your colleagues, nonethsleas. Yours sinceraly, Joshua Lederberg Profeseor of Medical Genetics ‘Chairman , P33. May I take the occasion to submit a copy of a letter concerning the gualifications of Dr. P. D. Skmar for a position in Zoology.