July 3, 1952 Dr. Werner Braun Mi Division Biclogiesl Labs, Chemical Corps, Camp Detrick, Frederick , Maryland Dear Werner: Your account of E. coli recombination reads very well, and there is nothing in it that needs correction. The 1951 CSH symposium is now out, and you may find our paver in 1% a useful recpitakation, in considerable detail, of tne work to that time. Re iinear linkage, Rothfels' paper in the curvent fienetics provides an axcellent account. The sequence Ve~bacy~P-V)-L-T appears to be very certainly linear, pobiing all the data. I am rather doubtful that the association of M-Lac is actually a linkage, and the left end, Mal-S—Xyl-Mtl-M-B 1 ds still rather meesy, probably another chromosome. The elimination of the Mai-region messes everyiaiing up there. I would prefer that you not explicitly mention unpublished work on the compatibility factors, although it wouldg of cours:, be quite fair to keep it in mind in orienting the discussion. The whole thing should come to a heed in the next year or so, but there is no way of telling just how it will come out. It looks as if the polarity of the, compatibility factors (F+:F~) detarmines which chromosome will be diminished forvMal.. I've been in close correspondence with Hayes about the possibility of page in BE. coli recombination: he seema to be raady to retract the idea althgether. I think you may perhaps have overemphasized it. The question of the relationship of transformations or transduction to sexuality is also brewing. My own feeling is that they are not so far apart: that transducing factors are chromosome fragments of lesser or greater size that get into donee celi, and are Incorporated into its chromosomes. My views are summarized in the enclosed few pages (from a draft of a review: Cell genetigs and hereditary syblosis, going to Physiol. Rev. may I have then back when you're through). Would you care to have me look brifely at your chapter X? Concerning prevalence of fertile strains, we have 50 now, from about 2000 teste. There are probably more that were undetected because the tester, W-1177 1s F-, but not, say, more than twice as many. C.H. Browning probably deserwee credit daw first conceiving a sciective test of recombination: J. Path. Bact. 12:166,1908. Sincerely, t Joshia Lederberg