HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS OFFICE OF THE DEAN July 8, 1958 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Professor Lederberg: Dr. Bernard D. Davis has told me and his colleagues in medical science about his recent telephone conversations with you. Thus I believe you know that we have recently secured the new financial resources we have been needing to establish a permanent post in medical genetics at the Harvard Medical School. I believe you know also that the members of the Faculty committees here who have been studying this matter are impressed with your many contri- butions to the field of genetics. Indeed, as I am sure Dr. Davis mst have said to you during his extensive talk on the phone, there are many here who wish to explore with you the possibility that you might join forces with us. It is to this end that I write the present letter. Dr. Davis said you would be going to Europe about the middle of the month, and that you would be willing to stop in Boston on the way. Please do, if you possibly can. If you will let me know at your early convenience what the date of such a visit might be, I shall get together for discussions with you as many members of our Faculty committees as possible. I am convinced that all of us would profit greatly by seizing the opportunity that your visit would give us. Sincerely yours, eo 7 24 Sage e Hae ge 1 flere ‘ 5 George Packer 2) wo. Dean GPB mr j