RIKKK KAKA KKE HONK FORO OOGOOOO OOOO Department of Medical Genetics May 10, 1957 Dr. Kenneth Thimann Biological Laboratories Harvard University Cambridge 38, Mass. Dear Kenneth: Thank you for yours of the 7th. I am sorry if I have confused you by the differences of emphasis in my letter to you and to Jim. I have been hearing nasty rumors about the reasons for our not coming to Harvard, and wanted to scotch them more than anything else, certainly before any of them were taken seriously enough to impair the cordiality of our future relationships. Certainly, many people might well be astonished that I did not seize on such a magnificent opportunity unless there were insidious reasons. But to be plain, there are no good reasons for not cccepting your offer —none except the positive ones of ay existing situation and pros~ pecta. If it should happen that these worked out less sell than I hoped, I would want you to keep me in mind. I did and do want to assure younthat these positive factors keep us here; not that negetive ones keep us anuy from Cambridge. Jo I reaily do not think you should hold off wny longer, in the consider. tion of other candidates. we have altered our travel plans slightly, and will be off to Australi. August i ~ about Novamber 15. I will be in New York for a Harve FyLecture December 19. I would be happy to visit Cambridge for a senin.r the vrevious day (a wednesday) if you would have any interest in this indendndently of, even in spite of the previous paragraph. I realize this a.y be far too exk- ward a time. I would ask for one Madison-Bosto.. fure to facilitate “sther's accompanying ms to Boston and N.Y. if she cin minage it then. (Siser at aI.T. hag also asked ve about paying « visit, una it would be « pleasure to kill two birds with one stone if you can aunige it.; I doen't think I can get away before then. Please don't think we haven't given Hurvard — greut deal of thought. we do feel we know the facilities and our colleagues guite well, sc that matx making the trip probably would have added little to the context. I am flattered by and grateful for your persistence. ‘ith best regards. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg