soooonoosoogocr TOGRORC OOOO Department of Medical Genetics April 2, 1935” Dr. Janes D. Watson Blological Laboratories Harvard University Canbridgze 38, Mass. Dear Jins < wish I had time to write each one of ny friends at Varvar, who wialjed me 60 well during the past fev montha, In plese of thet, I" ike te vely on you to pass the word, especially as I have been setting bael: tuaccurete = ~s ea to my reasons for withdrawing fron avedlability for Harvard Biclosy ¢vofessorship, We both knew that there vere sone feelers several FOGPE ECO, al J T could heve been forgiven for sore impatience thnt ther dracvear’ ont materlelizins, However, it is owlte true toast indicated vecufra: on the exorbitant side, and I have been learnin» « creat deal iste? aection with the orgenization of the new Medical Genetics aenert: lous i+ doea take to process appointments, even when all the 74 ds T dic tell Peul Doty in connection with Paul Levine tuet T <> nica be the better fpr seme nore resolutensss: thas « vas behind some of my feeling that I wanted te heve 2 oreen. Kervard administration before there ves mucl. veint in further Giscussion. sut what T heard from Dean Bundy and George Wald aad others vas nore Suc: satisfactory tn this respect, Wheat T hope ro ome oleunderesteads is taat “ar ; aMOTOeciy end T om thinking about Mervard has seen fron a completely fresh had only te look a% the people I like and adwire there to : that other fectors predaninated. Right now, I an tee tied up with the develoments Ln toe ere Le went to be tavelved in amr more nesotiations cise ready, In any event, for reasons which are ac clseredit se attuer great inatitutions, we have decided thet on balence ve weld oreler to remain at Madisen Tor the present rather then nove to Ganbridve. I woul ratner 20% be pressed into going inte mofe detail, if only because saie of the ulitnese considerations (if we imew what they vere) af sean rather trivial. In the sad, Harvard and Wisconsin are probably beth zrand places to be anc ho wx nere is where we harpoen to be nov, But it vould meke us very teriapior i: valse inpression were vroadeast that thig deelston were of past “istery, Tou om prosence, Sra un would be enonch sfiov of a ney mm ers at Harve . “y G8 ake Soghtiac _1eege OE800 OF Bee sped cet we ee WP My only cause lor concern now toas that To oe: GOO in ea, . Bln om ae suche 80 £ wilt end pivht here,