Department of Mecical Ganetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wis. Ciba Pouncation London Mareh 30, 1957 Professor George Wald Department of Biology Harvard University Cambridge 35, Mass Dear George: Your letter of the 6th did catch up with me some few days ago, but I haven't had time till now for a proper reply. Hoewever, I do want to thank you for clariifying what had been a rather uyetifyiag Situation, a few years ago. Even in the light of what you told mo, but Poretealanly because of my own pressing problenus of uscieion, I think I was right to ask for an authoritssive unterwriting of any 4 proposals to be discussed, However, Dean Busuy ass written me a most cordial letter, which is quite reassuring on thispoint. I will be seeing Kenneth, possibly pefore you ese this, svat in any sace I wanted to thank you for neving writtsn ac you win, I am afraia it will be impossiible for me to etopover at Caubriags in the course of our prerent journey, but I will aot maxes any irrevocauls commitmeats elsewhere until I: 6 Ma. tise to sonsiucr eltcruetive courses very carefully. It will de hard for me to accnowleuge every warn letter I neve usc from friends at Har vard, and I hope my appreciation can diffuse Prom tne partimular replies, lixe thisone, Yours mes i j | begs oor, sil euerbers ¢éfessor of ey wedi¢al Genetics