HARVARD UNIVERSITY Facu.ty oF ARTs AND SCIENCES OrrFice oF THE DEAN 5 Unrversrry Hatr Cameripck 38, MassacHusETTs March 15, 1957 Professor Joshua Lederberg c/o Professor G. Pontecorvo Department of Genetics University of Glasgow Glasgow, Scotland Dear Professor Lederberg: I write in the hope of catching you during your European tour to invite you most warmly to come to Cambridge right after your return to New York, to let us see if we can persuade you to join the Harvard Faculty as Professor of Biology, as soon as you feel free to come. I can state my own interest in this matter simply, by saying that since I first heard of your work from friends who are competent to judge, several years ago, I have hoped that I should have a chance to write a letter like this one. The opinion which I have held has now been enthusiastically confirmed by an eminent ad hoc committee and by a strong vote of the Department of Biology here. Thus it is now possible for me to say on behalf of the President that he and I would very much enjoy an opportunity to present yar name to our Governing Boards for appointment. It is true thet this last process has a somewhat stately character, but I think you can be quite safe in regarding this letter as a firm and definite invitation to come to Harvard, as well as a strong expression of my belief that we can pro- vide for your future here in a fashion which will make you happy in your work as a scientist. I do not at all mean to say that we are blind to the great qualities of other institutions which appear to be gathered on your doorstep; I mean only to say that we want you very much at Harvard and hope and believe that you would like it here, T understand that you are planning to get back to New York about the first of April. While our Spring Recess comes in that week, I expect to be right here throughout the early part of April, and I think that we shall also have on hand a respectable number of the veople in Biology and Bio- chemistry with whom you might want to talk. The President will also be here most of the time. So I do very much hope that you will feel able to come and talk with us before you leave the East, on your return. Naturally we should like to pay the expenses of your visit. Sincerely yours, Inefla, Comal McGeorge Bundy Copy to Edinburgh: c/o Professor C.H. Waddington Department of Animal Genetics University of Hdinburgh