March 4, 1957 Dr. Paul Doty Chemistry Department Harvard Universi ty Cambrddge, Madd. Dear Paul: Thank you for yours of the lst. One of my students (Alan Richter) 1s just now going seriously into the task of preparations of E. coli DNA for analytical purposes, and your procedure may be very helpful. Perhaps we might both be a little embarrassed at our discussion about Harvard last December, atileast I would ask you to forget about it. I am certainly not going to approach the current proposals with anything but a fresh and open mind. I was a little exercised then that Harvard should be making such a fuss about such an obvious step as Paul's promotion. The only residue from that is a concern that, with its venerable procedures, Harvard may be unable to move expeditiously in mking authoritative pro- posals, which are an obvious necessity from my point af view at this time. I do appreciate your personal remarks. I have to sign off hastdly now, as Esther and I are embarking very soon for a month in Europe. I hope to see Thimann en route back. SAncerely,