Mareh 2, 1957 br. Kenneth Thiaann Biological Laboratories Harvard University Cambridge 38, Haas. Bear Kenneth: Your #éth jnat arrived. If you would relish « dey in New York, I woulll bo very happy to see you ov ry way through. J have «6 good deal of ole business ond conviviality to bring up to date, but an hour's talk between ns should be very conatruc- tive. I would think thet Tuesday afternnen, April &, vould de most convenient and I will leave word with Be Tetum or hia stretery on my vhereubouts. You'd best call his Mondey afternoon to verify ay safe arrival. The next person to aak ja Norten tinder, alac ot Rockefoller, whe venta to mach na ct the airport. If I oan manage it, I'1) ent) you oyself an Monday, vat I'm likely te be both toc tired and too creaceupled te remember. Eoaic ieck up the abrline schedules far direet Luntoa-tsaton connections, but there sere uons suitevle to the seusaion, Ie Davis' appsistment still uncfficial? i'd heard the news from several sources already. Dernia will be, by the say, et the neice Tihs veeting. I will look fer a reply at the ioudon-Cibs sicress. Yourd sincerely tee , eget ished Senet ,? vopiia Lederberg Protsisox of Genetica P.S. Desu Bundy and rust iwyr uiso wrote teouise letters, which I wontt have tise to acknowledge. Will yeubtranswit my respects aud regards accordingly? JL