MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE 88, MASSACHUSETTS ee Tue Agassiz Musreum’’ February 28, 1957 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Josh: No doubt our offer, coming on top of the others you have, does not make it easier for you to make a decision. I wished we could have made our plans known to you earlier, but in fairness to you we had to solve the undergraduate teaching problem first. A few comments of mine may give you some welcome additional background. When I came here, after 23 years in New York, I frankly had misgivings about the wisdom of my move. Let me tell you that I made no mistake! I am much happier here than in New York; I find the atmosphere friendly (even to someone with my back- ground); I enjoy the contact with outstanding scholars in all fields, and I find the place scientifically stimulating. You realize, of course, that the existence (in the same area) of Harvard Med. School, Mass. Gen. Hospital, M.I.T., and various branches of the Harvard Biology Department provide an almost endless opportunity for scientific stimulation. And don't forget that you have a lot of friends and admirers here, like myself, Thimann, Paul Doty, Jim Watson, Paul Levine, George Wald, and others. It is not like coming to a strange place. Your coming here would give genetics and microbiology a tremerdous boost, and I am sure you would not regret it, In sum, I hope you give our proposition very serious consideration. Sincerely yours, Erat MK ora