February 28, 1957 Professor Kenneth Thimann Biological Laberatories Harvard University Cambridge, Mass. Dear Kenneths As promised in our phone conversation last night, I am enclosing an itinerary. Your inquiry comes at a hectic stage in my om affairs. Currently, negotiations with several institutions are in an advanced stage: the Uni- versity of California (Berkeley, Genetics); Stanford University (Biology); and the Schoel of Medicine here (a new department of Medical Genetics). It would not make these affairs mich more casplicated than they are already to include Harvard in sensideration, I will therefore be willing to entertain any proposals that Harvard wishes to make. However, I must ask that any such proposals be formally endorsed with the authority of President Pusey. Your colleagues and I are reasonably well acquainted with one another, and this should help make it possible to forego some of the customary preliminaries in these urgent cirounstances, The CIBA address, as attached, is probably the most convenient. For safety's sake, I would ask you to send duplicate correspondence to Madison, marked ‘hold for return', With best regards, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professbr of Genetics