November 5, 1956 Dr. David R, Godderd Department of Botany University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia 4, Pa, Dear Dave: Thank you for your kind, friendly letter of the Istf It would be premature for me to make or encourage any further comment now: I really haven't thought very seriously about Wister yet, and em waiting to heave a chance to discuss it with Koprowski. I am glad to hear the old institute ig being revitalized, and I do think Koppowski would be a remarkable choice for it, In thinking about this, of course I have to ask myself not only how attractive and stimileting the situation would be, but also whether it would warrant the uprooting fron Wisconsin, which has been very pleasant. and rewarding as a place to work. I do think it would be unfortunate if, at this time, I atest misled uuyth anyone into thinking I was actively contemplating the move: for the next few weeks, I will however be asking advice and finding out what I can that would be relevant. Your letter has been quite helpful so far, and I trust I can call on you arafn for your counsel if the deliberations co further, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederbers