UNIVERSITY of PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA 4 The College BoranicaL LABORATORY 38th and Woodland Ave. November 1, 1956 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: Vice-President Topping early informed me of the Wistar Institute's interest in having you come to the University of Pennsylvania. Though I do not know the details concerning the Wistar position, I believe that the University will be able to make some attractive positions at the Wistar Institute. It is my understanding that there is adequate endowment to cover salaries and that adequate research space will be available. I am sure that Dr, Topping is anxious to have men of outstanding ability who will also hold academic appointments in appropriate departments of the University. It is my intention to ask the faculty of this department to elect Dr. Joshua Lederberg to a professorship of genetics, or of microbiology, in the Department of Botany. From my discussions with members of the staff, I have every reason to believe that this election would be made unanimously. If you should come to the Wistar Institute with a profes- sorship in this department, we would expect that you would participate in the formulation of the policies of the department and in its intel- lectual life. An opportunity would be made available to you to do some teaching, but this would not be required. You would, of course, have the opportunity te have graduate students. Though I do not know exactly what is being planned for the Wistar Institute, I think that a position there is of sufficient interest that you should investigate it thoroughly and assure yourself that it would give you the opportunity for the development of your own research progran and for the kind of intellectual life which you want in the University. From what I do know, I think the position is likely te be a very attractive One e Dr, Lederberg -2= November 1, 1956 I think I can assure you that many of the biologists in the Medical School and the College would be delighted if we succeed in having Joshua lederberg as a colleague at the University of Pemsylvania. If there is any specific information which I can furnish to you, I hope that you will not hesitate to write to me again or to call me on the phone. With my best regards, —: W) pw David R. Goddard DRG/rw