As § wee pee ee eee ee eee Wawa ee | HILARY KOPROWSKI, M. D. 267 LINDEN AVENUE ENGLEWOOD NEW JERSEY 10/9/56 Dear Dr.Lederbers, ¢ The Board of Managers of the Wistar Institut in Philedelppia deciced recently to "resuscitate’ the Institute and restore it to its old scientific splendor. he Institute name will be chenged from the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biolcgy to the Wigter Institute for the Study of the Mammalian Cell. The scope of the research activities at the Institute will be considerably enlarged and preliminary plans heave been formulated to create three headed by future Members of the Institute. Members will be engeced pursuing pathways of eir ofth scicntific interest within the” brozd scope of the stucy of the Cell. Position of the “ergb#yof the Insti- tute is similar to the tenure yesition of a profescor of University of Pedkyivania. A hemes ser of the Wistar Tnstituts will have a parallel aprointement at the Faculty Level tut no teaching cuties The Institutes is cpr oweree poveve> to gcrent a Phed. decrcas ond “embers will be accietec bo grodustc students anc any other persornc, they Cesire to choose I have been offerec the yosition of the Director of the Vistar Institute. I heve deferred my cecsision since I beiieve that scietific future of the Ingtitute bro oeany ch ’ to ceme to bhilséelph Inetitute as a Member she great esteem in which I held your scientific achievements hreve rrommtcé me to write this letter. Havine an essurance that & person of your caliber wo ld be interested in foining the Institute and pursuings the same type of scientific investisations ss you have cenductec up to now will certainly we cn “eevily uron my cwn decision. If you would have any intcrest in further inquiries about the Institute pleas do se, by all means. If I am unnble to give sdequate informationsI shall €e my best to obtian tnoce from ran Toc. .inc, Vice-PFresicent or the University . Pennsylvania and Memebbyof the To¢ard of Mens-ers of the Wister