ALBERT EINSTEIN COLLEGE OF MEDICINE YESHIVA UNIVERSITY 1710 NEWPORT AVENUE New York 61, N. Y. OFFICE OF THE DEAN August 18, 1955 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Bacteriology University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr, Lederberg: Thank you very much for your letter of August 11, I had thought that some of the questions you raised in your letter of August 1 might be discussed at length if you were to visit with us, However, I am glad to give you the fol- lowing information. The Department of Microbiology here is envisaged as a department which would engage in teaching and research, and which will present microbiology for students who are seeking the M.D. degree as well as for qualified graduate students seeking the Ph.D, degree, In addition, there would be facilities for post doctoral fellows. It is anticipated that the full time staff of this department would consist of 6 people on the medical school budget. At the present time no one has been appointed to this department since we wish to give the chairman the opportunity to staff the entire department. With respect to the research support from the College, we anticipate that during the first two years most of the support for research can come from outside grants. Beginning two years hence, the University will begin to provide budget for research, This plan has been adopted because during this two year period we have had an expenditure of approximately 8 million dollars for the construction of the basic science building, including its equipment, plus the necessity of providing budget for a full time faculty covering the four years of the medical curriculum, It has been necessary to point a full time clinical staff almost 3 years before they will begin teaching because our hospitals were first opened last summer and the school has the full responsibility for providing the staff for these hospitals, I believe that the opportunity and challenge here are something which rare- ly come along in one's lifetime. I also realize what the assumption of administrative duties might mean to a person's research career, However, I have had enough experience to believe that a well organized individual can do research, teaching and share administrative responsibilities with other members of his department, If there are any further questions you would like to ask, I shall be glad Dr. Joshua Lederberg <2= August 18, 1955 to answer them. I want to say that I am certain that the superb aspects of our program can only be best appreciated if one views them first-hand. Do try and come and see us. With cordial regards, Sincerely Qbnkarn, Wht Abraham White Associate Dean AW:ms